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Todos os artigos de Chiropractic

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Many cases of lower back pain are best managed through education, exercise and manual treatment. (Shutterstock)

Back pain? A physiotherapist may offer the most effective treatment, if you can afford it

The over-medicalization of back pain is a global concern. New research in Canada shows that people with lower income as well as rural and remote dwellers are less likely to access physiotherapy care.
Most people with low back pain aren’t getting the most effective treatment. from

The guidelines on low back pain are clear: drugs and surgery should be the last resort

A recent series on low back pain by the global medical journal The Lancet shows doctors often overlook recommended treatments, such as advice to stay active and to exercise.
All dentists should be practising evidence-based dentistry for the sake of their patients. John Dill/Flickr

‘Holistic’ dentistry: more poppycock than panacea?

Holistic dentistry claims to promote overall wellness rather than simply treating disease. But the lack of evidence for the alternative therapies underpinning it are cause for concern.
Most people see chiropractors for spine pain or other musculoskeletal conditions. Michael Dorausch

Chiropractic therapy: placebo or panacea?

PANACEA OR PLACEBO – A weekly series assessing the evidence behind complementary and alternative medicines. Chiropractors use manual therapy to address musculoskeletal-related conditions (joints, ligaments…
There is a soft evidence base for spinal manipulations being useful for musculoskeletal problems. Michael Dorausch

GP de-registration shows double standard for health practitioners

A New South Wales general practitioner, who was de-registered by the NSW Medical Tribunal for claiming he could treat any number of serious conditions by “spinal manipulation”, has lost his appeal to the…
Chinese herbal treatments, among other complementary medicines, have come under scrutiny. Flickr/Tricia Wang

Attack on complementary medicine ‘undermines safety’

Cutting complementary medicine courses from universities would dilute the quality of the education available and threaten safe practice but have no impact on demand for it, according to academics writing…
The Conversation’s health coverage: policy, chiropractic, obesity and medicine. AAP,, Puuiki Beach, LJA Kliche

Health + Medicine: reflections on our first year

In The Conversation’s first editorial meeting editor Andrew Jaspan explained what he wanted to achieve with the site: a more informed level of debate, based on evidence, research and expert opinion. It…
Science writer Simon Singh and Observer journalist Nick Cohen, at the Royal Courts of Justice, 23rd February 2010. Robert Sharp/English PEN

Pointing the bone at chiropractic quackery – lessons from the UK

Marcello Costa is a co-founder of “Friends of Science in Medicine”, an organisation established to campaign against university health-care courses that are not adequately supported by scientific evidence…
Opposition to chiropractic is not new, no bones about it. jenni from the block

Chiropractic: crackers now, and crackers way back when

Recently there was an excellent, and much read, article on The Conversation entitled There’s no place for pseudo-scientific chiropractic in Australian universities which made the case against chiropractic…
All health-care providers should give patients evidence-based information – this includes chiropractors. Planetc

Modern chiropractic therapy is based on evidence – and here it is

Chiropractic has copped some criticism this week, with a group of prominent Australian doctors and scientists urging Central Queensland University to reverse its decision to offer a chiropractic degree…
Chiropractors may be good at what they do but immunisation is not their field. Planetc1/Flickr

Having a crack: what do chiropractors know about vaccinations?

The publication by Australian Doctor of a controversial public lecture given earlier this year by Sydney chiropractor, Nimrod Weiner, has created a flurry of criticism about the lecture, particularly regarding…

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