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Todos os artigos de COP22

Exibindo 1 - 20 de 23 artigos

The uncovering of Seoul’s Cheonggye stream, which was once covered by a highway, shows the kind of initiatives cities can take. Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters

People power: how communities and cities can help save the environment

From citizens who sit on the boards of energy companies to neighbourhoods that help fund local wind farms, community action is critical to the environmental movement.
Civil society and other groups, such as academics and businesses, stand to play a bigger role in how the countries of the world address climate change. Photo by IISD/ENB | Liz Rubin

With waning US leadership on climate, nonstate actors to play outsize role

Recent global climate talks at COP22 saw a growing role for businesses, NGOs and the state of California – a promising sign for action on climate change in the face of U.S. inaction.
Delegates in Marrakech are hoping the winds of change in Washington don’t blow climate action off course. EPA/Mohamed Messara

The view from Marrakech: climate talks are battling through a Trump tsunami

The halls of the Marrakech climate summit have been filled with fearful talk about Donald Trump’s presidency. But there is hope that the Paris climate treaty can weather the political storm.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg announce plans to ratify the Paris climate deal, which could be severely weakened by a US change of heart. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Australia to ratify the Paris climate deal, under a large Trump-shaped shadow

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced plans to ratify the Paris climate agreement, a day after US participation in the treaty was thrown into dought by Donald Trump’s election victory.
Remote mountain regions like the Upper Mustang in Nepal are often neglected by the rest of the world. Timothy Karpouzoglou

Harnessing the hidden power of mountains to meet our climate and development goals

Remote mountain regions are closer to the climate problem than we think, particularly in the context of safeguarding essential ecosystem services such as safe and adequate water.
Less than a year after the Paris negotiations, the process is gathering pace. AAP Image/NewZulu/Jonathan Raa

The Paris climate deal has come into force – what next for Australia?

Just 11 months after the Paris climate talks, the resulting treaty has come into force. The rapid ratification looks set to heap even more pressure on Australia to come up with a credible climate policy.
We’ve come a long way since the agreement was formed in 2015. Stephane Mahe/Reuters

Paris climate agreement enters into force: international experts respond

Experts agree that a new era for climate policy here. But the hard work starts now.

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