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Emeritus Reader in Policy Modelling, Cambridge Judge Business School

Dr Hope was the specialist advisor to the House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs Inquiry into aspects of the economics of climate change, and an advisor on the PAGE model to the Stern review on the Economics of Climate Change. He has published extensively in books and peer-reviewed journals. He has recently completed PAGE09, the latest version of the PAGE integrated assessment model.

Dr Hope previously lectured at the Department of Fuel and Energy, University of Leeds, from 1983-1986.

He was a lead author and review editor for the Third and Fourth Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was awarded a half share of the Nobel Peace Prize, 2007
He also received the Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award from the European Academy of Business in Society and the Aspen Institute, 2007

Research interests:

Numerical information in public policy; policy analysis of the greenhouse effect; the integrated assessment modelling of climate change.

Chris Hope is a member of the Economics & Policy subject group.

Selected publications:

Hope, C. (2006) "The marginal impact of CO2 from PAGE2002: an integrated assessment model incorporating the IPCC's five reasons for concern." Integrated Assessment, 6(1): 19-56

Hope, C. (2007) "The social cost of carbon: what does it actually depend on?" Climate Policy, 6(5): 566-572

Hope, C. (2008) "Discount rates, equity weights and the social cost of carbon." Energy Economics, 30 (3): 1011-1019

Hope, C. (2008) "Optimal carbon emissions and the social cost of carbon over time under uncertainty." Integrated Assessment, 8(1): 107-122

Hope, C. (2009) "How deep should the deep cuts be? Optimal CO2 emissions over time under uncertainty." Climate Policy, 9(1): 3-8

Ackerman, F., Stanton, E.A., Hope, C. and Alberth, S. (2009) "Did the Stern Review underestimate US and global climate damages?" Energy Policy, 37(7): 2717-2721 (DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2009.03.011)


  • –present
    Reader in Policy Modelling, University of Cambridge