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Timothy Karpouzoglou

Postdoctoral fellow, Wageningen University

I am currently working as a post-doctoral fellow at the Public Administration and Policy group at Wageningen University & Research, in the Netherlands. My work is linked to the project Mountain EVO "Adaptive governance of mountain ecosystem services for poverty alleviation enabled by environmental virtual observatories". I am originally trained as an environmental scientist but have gained increasing social science expertise and on-the ground experience in regions of South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Prior to my current position, I worked at the Stockholm Resilience Center, Sweden and completed my PhD at the STEPS Centre, University of Sussex, UK . As such, I have broad interdisciplinary expertise relevant for understanding complex challenges at the interface of climate, development and sustainability. More specific areas of interest include water resources management, environmental governance, resilience and political ecology.


  • 2014–present
    Postdoctoral fellow, Wageningen University & Research
  • 2012–2014
    Postdoctoral fellow, Stockholm Resilience Centre


  • 2012 
    University of Sussex, SPRU/STEPS Centre, DPhil
  • 2007 
    Imperial College London, MSc
  • 2006 
    Edinburgh University, BSc

Professional Memberships

  • World Social Science Fellows (ISSC)