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Released prisoners sit in a bus outside Ankara, Turkey – while government critics remain behind bars due to Turkey’s sweeping terror laws. AP

Turkey releasing murderers – but not political opponents – from prison amid coronavirus pandemic

To stem the spread of COVID-19, Turkey is releasing 90,000 prison inmates. Not on the list for release: tens of thousands of academics, journalists and others the regime sees as political threats.
California is working with Oregon and Washington on coordinated plans for phasing in the reopening of restaurants, stores and other parts of their economies in a way that can keep the coronavirus pandemic at bay. Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Why there isn’t a one-size-fits-all plan for states to reopen their economies

How and when the US economy reopens will look different state to state, and for good reasons. This Q&A explains why, and why some states are working together.
Wildlife markets, where live animals are sold and slaughtered, are an integral part of the global wildlife trade. GettyImages

What is the wildlife trade? And what are the answers to managing it?

Ecological systems are at breaking point and a global economic collapse is under way. It’s time to invest in risk mitigation to prevent another COVID-type disaster.
Out and about: Jair Bolsanaro waves to supporters during a rally in Brasilia on April 19. Joedson Alves/EPA

Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro’s strategy of chaos hinders coronavirus response

Jair Bolsonaro has ignored and openly challenged the advice of health authorities, sacked his health minister and tried to use the pandemic for political gain.
On April 15, Finland’s foreign minister Pekka Haavisto (pictured in September 2019) announced on that his country would voluntarily increase its funding of the Wolrd Health Organization. Wikipedia

Debate: It’s time for us all to fund the World Health Organization

The world rightly expressed shock and dismay at Donald Trump’s suspension of US funding for WHO. To respond, other governments, funders and citizens are urgently needed to fill the gap.

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