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Todos os artigos de Doping

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“It would appear public and elite athletes are opposed to performance-enhancing drugs.” Sumit

Testimony vs testing: anti-doping is an imperfect science

Unsurprisingly for a year that’s featured major events such as the Olympics and Paralympics, as well as annual fixtures such as the Tour de France, doping in sport has been big news in 2012. So where do…
Australian cyclist Matthew White admitted to taking drugs during his time riding for Lance Armstrong’s US Postal Service cycling team. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Review of cycling integrity must consider the lessons of history

Federal Sports Minister Kate Lundy’s recent announcement of an independent review of Cycling Australia appears sensible given the local fall-out from the Armstrong case. The minister sees this review “as…
“It’s time to remodel our drugs in sport controls in order to get a proper balance …”

Bitter pill: have drug bans in Australian sport gone too far?

Lance Armstrong is the flavour of the month when it comes to doping and anti-doping discussions at the moment, but closer to home there are some real and pertinent issues to debate. Australian government…
Did Armstrong’s decision to dope come down to a simple cost-benefit analysis? STR/EPA

Lance Armstrong broke rules, but it was a logical choice

Had Lance Armstrong nudged one of his Tour de France rivals over the edge of the Alpe d'Huez he would have likely received a less hostile response than he has in recent weeks for breaking a simple sports…
Doping allegations were made against Matt White before he started working for Cycling Australia. AAP

Why didn’t Cycling Australia smell the doping stench?

It has become clear over the past two weeks that Lance Armstrong ran the most well-managed and professional doping system ever seen in professional sport. So how did he get away with it for so long? Questions…
Hero to zero: Lance Armstrong’s doping scandal may cause domino effect in corporate support of cycling. EPA/Olivier Hoslet

Rabobank, Lance Armstrong and the future of professional cycling

Yesterday it was announced that the UCI (International Cycling Federation) will back the US Anti-Doping Agency’s (USADA) decision to ban Lance Armstrong for life and strip him of his seven Tour de France…
What should the UCI do to move cycling on from the Lance Armstrong affair? EPA/Guillaume Horcajuelo

‘Dopers’ and the rest: a case for splitting professional cycling

More than a week after the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) published 1,000 pages of testimony and anecdotal evidence implicating Lance Armstrong in a controversial doping scandal, the saga is still far from…
The Armstrong affair is a wake-up call for those who govern professional sport. oeflintham

The Lance Bomb has blown, but is doping really cheating?

Should Lance Armstrong lose his seven Tour de France titles for doping, as is being proposed by the US Anti-doping Agency (USADA)? It’s an issue that puts the UCI – the international cycling union – and…
Armstrong has consistently maintained that USADA has been leading a “witch hunt” against him. Aspen/Snowmass

The Lance Armstrong ‘witch hunt’ is over – and he’s a witch

In June, when the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)’s allegations against cyclist Lance Armstrong were released, I wrote: Armstrong has vehemently denied any wrongdoing, describing USADA’s actions as a “witch…
What does the Armstrong case tell us about anti-doping regulation in sport? Jasper Juinen/EPA

Punishing doping athletes isn’t a long-term solution

There has been much discussion in recent weeks about Lance Armstrong, his legacy, and charges levelled by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) that the Texan cyclist spearheaded a systematic doping…
Common boosting practices by athletes include breaking their own toes. Foxtongue

Doping, boosting and other forms of cheating at the Paralympics

Over the next few weeks, the newspapers in Australia and overseas are going to be full of stories describing Paralympians as inspirational role models. Such reports might or might not be true … it just…
Lance Armstong’s decision not to contest USADA charges of doping has done little to quell rumours. Christophe Karaba/EPA

Is the Lance Armstrong affair a race to the bottom for cycling?

Lance Armstrong was no ordinary cyclist. His was a business model that changed the face of professional cycling, perfecting techniques of media management and being the vehicle by which cycling administrators…
The seven-times Tour de France winner looks set to lose his titles. Gero Breloer/EPA

Lance Armstrong drops his doping fight with USADA – what now?

It seems as if the case against Lance Armstrong has ended not with a bang but a whimper. The American seven-times Tour de France champion issued a statement earlier today, stating that “enough is enough…
Initial suspicions about Nadzeya Ostapchuk’s performance appear to have been well-founded. EPA/Diego Azubel

Shot put gold medallist disqualified for doping: so what is metenolone?

The International Olympic Committee yesterday announced that Belarusian Nadzeya Ostapchuk, the women’s shot-put champion at the London Olympics, had tested positive to metenolone on August 5 and August…
No matter how sophisticated testing is, it can’t catch everyone. EPA/Justin Setterfield

How many Olympic athletes are taking drugs?

John Fahey, the President of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), promised before the London Olympics that anti-doping testing at Games would employ the latest advancements and would be as rigorous as…
WADA is determined to wipe out doping at the Olympics, and to bring public opinion along with it. Department for Culture, Media & Sport

More Olympic drug testing than ever, but why do we bother?

From a drug-use control perspective, the 2012 London Olympic Games (LOG) will be the “biggest ever”. Since the Ben Johnson affair at the 1988 Seoul Olympics there has been a concerted effort to secure…
Would it be so bad if a pill that improved athletic performance was available to everyone? Dave Campbell

What if doping were legal at the Olympics?

The Olympics is arguably the greatest show of combined physical and mental prowess we’ll ever see. The Games challenge competitors and challenge the watching public to think about the achievements they’re…
The Radioshack-Nissan-Trek rider has retired from this year’s Tour de France. Nicolas Bouvy/EPA

Frank Schleck, the Tour de France and doping: so what’s xipamide?

After the recent re-ignition of allegations against seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, many in professional cycling had hoped for a quiet year on the doping front. But, it seems, the Tour…

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