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Todos os artigos de earnings

Exibindo 21 - 33 de 33 artigos

Debenhams: one of several quoted companies on the private equity merry-go-round. Karen Roe

The private equity deals that fail to justify ‘fast buck’ strategies

There is an ongoing and very heated debate between the unconditional supporters of private equity and their opponents. It’s not hard to see why. On the surface, these investors can often buy fragile companies…
Root and Branch review in the offing at Tesco? Facundo Arrizabalaga/EPA

New Tesco CEO might enjoy the benefits of a dramatic debut

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The well-known words of Winston Churchill are probably on the mind of Dave Lewis, the new CEO of Tesco. The company faced what many deemed to be the worst crisis…
Surviving or thriving? britta heise

Explainer: how big tobacco turns profits

In 2013 Imperial Tobacco, one of four major transnational tobacco companies, posted its first fall in profits in 17 years. One could be forgiven for thinking from the proposed introduction of new restrictions…

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