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Dean of Essex Business School, University of Essex

Geoffrey Wood is Dean of the business school at the Unioversity of Essex.

Previously, he was Professor of International Business at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick.
Prior to that he was Professor in the School of Management at the University of Sheffield, and Associate Dean of the School, and before that Professor and Director of Research at Middlesex University Business School. He previously taught at Rhodes University, South Africa (where he attained the rank of Associate Professor).

He has also held visiting fellowships at Cranfield University, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), and the American University in Cairo, Cornell University and Rhodes University. He currently is Honorary Professor of the University of the Witwatersrand, and Visiting Professor at Nelson Mandela University, both in South Africa, and Adjunct Professor at Griffith University, Australia.

Geoffrey Wood has served as Commissioned Researcher for the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He has authored/co-authored/edited seven books, and over one hundred articles in peer-reviewed journals (including journals such as Work and Occupations, Work Employment and Society, Organization Studies, Human Relations, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management (US), etc.).

He has had numerous research grants from funding councils (e.g. ESRC), government departments (e.g. US Department of Labour), charities (e.g. Nuffield Foundation) and the labour movement (e.g. the ITF).


  • –present
    Professor of International Business, Warwick Business School