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Todos os artigos de Flight MH17

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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Mikhail Metzel/Ria Novosti/EPA/Kremlin Pool

MH17 tragedy shows the risks of the new Great Game

Since Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over rebel-held Ukraine, there has been much finger-pointing between Russia, pro-Russian separatists and the Ukrainian government. While the UK and US…
Australia is unlikely to gain the support needed from other G20 countries to block Russia attending the G20. AAP Image/NewZulu/Hugh Peterswald

Who in the G20 is (not) afraid of the big bad Russian wolf?

The downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 has considerably increased the strain on the relationship between Russia and the European Union and United States on the other side. Following the escalation…
Australia has led the international community in condemning the downing of flight MH17 and the handling of the victims’ bodies. EPA/Robert Ghement

Global law and decency: our double standards on MH17 and asylum seekers

Following the shocking news of the destruction of flight MH17, foreign minister Julie Bishop wasted no time in boarding a plane for the United Nations in New York. Australian diplomats engaged in intense…
A separatist soldier hands an MH17 black box to a Malaysian delegation. EPA/Robert Ghement

Explainer: what will MH17’s black boxes reveal?

The news that the black boxes from Malaysia Airlines flight M17 has been handed over to Malaysian authorities, will lead to many questions about what information they have to offer. The two recorders have…

No hiding place: MH17 and the media

MH17 is not the first civilian airliner to have been destroyed in flight by weapons of war. There have been accidental shoot-downs before: the Korean Airlines disaster of 1983, the Iranian Airlines shoot…
Vital forensic evidence could be lost as bodies from Malaysia Airlines MH17 are moved. EPA/Anastasia Vlasova

Identifying bodies from MH17 is a challenge for forensics

Returning the 298 victims from Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 to their families with dignity and respect is a major priority for each nation involved. Disaster victim identification (DVI) is a difficult…

MH17: why wars are our collective problem

It’s easy to sit in suburban Melbourne and flick past the news of the latest conflict in some far corner of the world and think that it’s none of our business. Sure, it’s been a bad few years in Syria…
A train carrying the remains of crash victims is guarded by pro-Russian separatists. EPA/Robert Ghement

Russia must co-operate with investigation of MH17 or risk wearing the blame

US Secretary of State John Kerry has left the rest of the world in no doubt as to who America blames for the downing of MH17, appearing on several Sunday talkshows to point the finger at pro-Russian separatists…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott attends the remembrance mass for victims of flight MH17 at St Mary’s in Sydney. AAP/Nikki Short

Abbott: Priority of security committee was treatment of the dead

Cabinet’s national security met tonight to discuss the latest developments in the MH17 tragedy, especially securing the bodies of victims, as the death toll of Australian citizens and permanent residents…
Following orders from above. Aero Icarus

Explainer: when and why is air space restricted?

The downing of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 has led to many questions being asked about the propriety of planes flying over eastern Ukraine. Many have pointed out that other airlines had prohibited their…
Power broker. Vladimir Putin. Fernando Bizerra Jr/EPA

MH17 was a victim of the new cold war’s first proxy conflict

It remains to be seen precisely how and why the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 crashed over the territory of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” in eastern Ukraine on Thursday. But whatever…
America has never apologised for its own passenger plane shooting incident. EPA

History shows US response to MH17 will be all talk, no action

President Barack Obama has declared the apparent shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane over Ukraine is a “terrible tragedy” and warned that “the world is watching”. He has offered full assistance…
Show of hands: the UN Security Council. EPA/Justin Lane

Explainer: international law and flight MH17

As the events surrounding the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Ukraine become clearer, more and more voices are claiming the plane may have been shot down by pro-Russian separatists in eastern…

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