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Todos os artigos de Global financial crisis

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Senator Arthur Sinodinos makes his maiden speech earlier this year. AAP/Alan Porritt

In Conversation: Senator Arthur Sinodinos

Welcome to this In Conversation between Liberal Senator Arthur Sinodinos and Macquarie University politics expert Craig Mark. Sinodinos is a political paradox: he’s the newest member of the Australian…
Personal loans should be used to fund major infrastructure projects, like the National Broadband Network. AAP

Want to end the GFC? Put debt to good use

The Global Financial Crisis should be called the Global Debt Crisis. Too much debt has been created and there is not enough productive capacity to pay the interest on the debt, let alone repay the loans…
Former Goldman Sachs and Procter & Gamble director Rajat Gupta faces securities fraud charges. AAP

Trading on reputation: the trials of Rajat Gupta and the SEC

The Department of Justice in the United States has significantly broadened the reach of its investigation into insider trading. The charging of a former director of Goldman Sachs and Procter & Gamble…
After the global financial crisis, a more restrained and open-minded approach to economics is needed. AAP

Time to accept economic known unknowns? The case for ‘pluralism’

Confidence in economics has been dented by the global financial crisis. But what is reasonable to expect of economists? People joke about economists disagreeing, but is it feasible for there to be one…
Protests continue - but are global economies now bound inextricably together?

Remember globalisation? It’s all around you

Remember globalisation? It’s not a term that’s much in vogue any more. Here at Flinders University, our globalisation program closed down last year. But if you were around in the 1980s and 1990s, you might…
Banks such as NAB are reportedly positioning themselves to use covered bonds to raise funds.

Banks want covered bonds, but could taxpayers be left with the risk?

Australian banks are positioning themselves to take advantage of new laws allowing them to use the new instrument of covered bonds to raise funds. Our large banks especially have enthusiastically welcomed…
Slovakian Prime Minister Iveta Radikova’s government was a political victim of the continuing Euro debt crisis. AAP

Slovakian political crisis highlights fragility of Eurozone debt solution

The Central European country of Slovakia has finally ratified the EU bailout fund – but not before its initial refusal caused a spill of the Slovakian government and highlighted the deep political divisions…
London trader Alessio Rastani has told the BBC he “dreamed” of recession. But traders often don’t know how they’ll react to losses. YouTube

‘Dreaming’ of recession: what to make of market makers and their noise?

Trading in financial securities has sometimes been regarded as a “black box”. This is particularly the case in markets where there is increased uncertainty. The current world economy is a prime candidate…
World Bank chief Robert Zoellick and IMF head Christine Lagarde have doubts about global growth. AAP

Spooking the markets: should financial leaders keep quiet during crises?

Global markets have tumbled again this week, following the downgrading of Italy’s debt rating and a series of negative comments from leaders of the world’s financial institutions. International Monetary…
Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi wants closer ties with China - but Europe shouldn’t believe this will save the EU. AAP

Why China won’t – and can’t – save the Eurozone

Earlier this week, reports emerged that Italian finance officials had held talks with their Chinese counterparts regarding the possibility of China making significant purchases of Italy’s public debt…
The British banking sector is facing a major shakeup in the wake of the global crisis. AAP

Three years after UK’s banking crisis, will reforms deliver?

Major proposals designed to reform Britain’s banking sector after its spectacular 2008 crash have been described as one of the biggest shakeups in a generation. But they are likely be inadequate for a…
If Greece’s economy collapses, it could easily lead to a breakdown of civil order. AAP

What will happen if Greece defaults?

Global markets look set for a rough week amid new concerns that Greece could default on its massive debt. The Australian share market has spent most of the day down 3% after reports that Germany could…
The share market is often driven back into the black by canny investors looking for a bargain. AAP

Global economic shakeout: the zig-zag market heralds nasty times ahead

After falling by almost 20% in week-long sell-off, the Australian share market has bounced back and began trade today up more than 3.5%. The market’s recovery follows a strong comeback on Wall Street overnight…
As a new global financial crisis looms, Australia shouldn’t overestimate its dependence on China. AAP

Is Australia’s economic stability really made in China?

Amidst the widening global financial turmoil, a strong Chinese economy is certainly one positive for the Australian economy. But should we believe it is only factor that will save the day? The answer is…

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