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A rock surface containing a circular pattern with a central depression. The scale bar = 10 cm. Images modified from: Helm, C.W.; Cawthra, H.C.; De Vynck, J.C.; Helm, C.J.; Rust, R.; Stear. W. Patterns in the Sand: A Pleistocene hominin signature along the South African coastline? Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association (2019)

Ancient humans may have made patterns and sculptures on South Africa’s beaches

Given that we know humans moved across these landscapes, we wondered whether there might also be evidence of other forms of human activity on these surfaces of sand.
Flavour, a popular Nigerian musician, can wear his dreadlocks in peace because they are seen as a temporary fashion statement. Elizabeth Farida/Wikimedia Commons

In Nigeria, dreadlocks are entangled with beliefs about danger

Nigerian men who wear their hair in knots are not a new phenomenon, but the hairstyle’s spiritual heritage sparks fear in the hearts of many.
Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the funeral of his predecessor, Robert Mugabe. EPA-EFE/Aaron Ufumeli

Mugabe is dead, but old men still run southern Africa

It remains to be seen how much longer the ‘old men syndrome’ will persist in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa, despite growing frustration among the politically powerless.
A protestor dresses as Jair Bolsonaro on Amazon Day in Rio de Janeiro, September 5 2019. EPA-EFE/MARCELO SAYAO

Are the Amazon fires a crime against humanity?

Destroying the Amazon rainforest will accelerate climate change, harming millions. Can those responsible be prosecuted?

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