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Todos os artigos de Greece elections

Exibindo 1 - 20 de 22 artigos

Reuters/Pascal Rossignol

2015: the year in elections

For better or for worse, various countries around the world charted a new course last year. What lies ahead for 2016?
EPA/Orestis Panagiotou

Greece: many questions, few answers

There is something rather appropriate about Greece being at the centre of the European Union’s growing political and economic crises. Greece, after all, is the historical home of democracy and foundation…

Greece – the Moment of Dignity

During the past three years, several anguished and rather melancholy ‘Democracy Field Notes’ tried to analyse the causes of the Greek crisis and the terrible pain and misery unfairly inflicted on many…
The Greek Harry Potter? Sotiris Barbarousis/EPA

Explainer: why the Greek election is so important

This Greek election is the most important in recent memory. It appears Syriza has won by a large margin, ending four decades of two-party rule in Greece. Since 2010 – and as a result of austerity measures…
Storm in a teacup? Theophilos Papadopoulos

Why a Syriza win is unlikely to cause a Grexit

The polls are pointing to an election victory for the Syriza party in Greece’s election on January 25. The radical left party’s popularity comes from its opposition to the austerity policies that have…
It doesn’t look good for prime minister Antonis Samaras. EPA

Markets threaten Greek democracy ahead of election

Greece faces a decisive moment on January 25 in a snap election that could see major gains for the extreme left and right. But anyone worried about how Syriza on one side, or Golden Dawn on the other…
Alexis Tsipras is on track to win the Greek election. thierry ehrmann

Why are European leaders so afraid of Greece’s Syriza party?

The calling of a snap election in Greece for January 25 has been met with great concern in political circles, prompted direct interventions by top European officials and alarmed markets and credit rating…
Rebuilding Greece’s economy – a Sisyphean task? Mopic via shutterstock

A Syriza election win would be a serious setback for Greece

The Greek economy, after five years of recession, has nearly reached the top of the hill it has been climbing. But there is a real threat that in just a few months it will roll back down again. Like Sisyphus…

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