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Todos os artigos de HIV/AIDS

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Joep Lange (right) with Praphan Phanuphak and David Cooper, co-directors of HIVNAT, a joint research centre in Bangkok, Thailand. Kirby Institute

AIDS community mourns loss of pioneer researcher Joep Lange

This article was updated at 12.30pm on Saturday July 19. The international AIDS community is mourning the deaths of researchers, community activists, health workers and people with HIV whose plane was…
Despite the increase in HIV diagnoses, media coverage of this important health issue remains patchy and sensationalist. Flickr: Tom

Media reports of HIV can be part of the problem – or the solution

Research has shown that if used effectively, the media can play an important role in lessening fear and stigma about HIV – the biggest obstacles to seeking information and treatment about the disease…
In most developed countries, including Australia, gay and bisexual men dominate numbers of new HIV infections. Aleksandar Stojkovic/Flickr

Know the epidemic: responding to HIV in three key communities

The number of new HIV diagnoses in Australia remains the highest in 20 years, according to data released today by UNSW’s Kirby Institute. While rates have remained stable over the past two years, the number…
This would be the ideal way to fight HIV. europedistrict

Research may be beating HIV, but vaccine remains a way off

Three decades since the onset of the infection in a global population, HIV care and treatment is looking very different. Given the difficulties involved, it is remarkable that having developed good treatments…
Indonesia’s status as a middle-income country has made it ineligible to receive funding even though it’s not ready or able to take over. EPA/JURNASYANTO SUKARNO

Too soon for rich countries to stop HIV funding in poor ones

The global HIV epidemic has been unprecedented, both in its extent and in the way it has changed the world’s approach to health funding. Over the last ten to 15 years, large sums of money have for the…
Give documentaries on AIDS the centre stage. Dylan Mohan Gray

Documentaries can tell us more about AIDS than Hollywood

Documentaries have the power to tell the stories with the most impact. They describe the “real” world, present “real” problems. Despite this, it is drama and Hollywood film that reaches the masses. As…
If people are talking online, we need to be talking about HIV online too. Jayel Aheram

In the age of Grindr, HIV support needs to get online

Websites and apps such as Grindr and Scruff are booming as a new way for men to meet other men. But the people who seek to inform men about HIV and AIDS are finding they need to think on their feet to…
Mandela was a key force in South Africa against AIDS denialism. SCHALK VAN ZUYDAM/AP

Mandela’s stance on HIV set him apart from his ANC successors

In the past few days since the passing of Nelson Mandela, the father of the South African nation, it has become apparent just how much Madiba meant not only to us, but to the rest of the world. He is a…
Glasses, check. Passport, check. Cheque for £200? Flickr/Justin Vidamo

NHS levy for health tourists - a good deal for migrants

Another argument has broken out between the government and doctors over a proposal to charge immigrants to use the NHS. The government claims a levy will make the NHS more fair and sustainable and stop…
Magic mushrooms might be less mysterious if scientists could find out more about them. Flickr/ReflexPics

Medical breakthroughs missed because of pointless drug bans

In 1632 the Catholic Church convened a case against Galileo on the grounds that his work using the telescope to explore the nature of the heavens contradicted the church’s teaching - the culmination of…
Advances are being made towards a HIV cure but with 34 million affected worldwide there’s still a lot of work to be done to help manage it. Wikimedia Commons/C Goldsmith

HIV cure: scientific reality or media hype?

Until a few years ago there was no talk of curing HIV. Research focused on making anti-HIV drugs better, trying to find a vaccine or understanding why they didn’t seem to be working. Another area was public…
The vaccination of 370 million children worldwide has averted five and a half million future deaths. Save the Children UK/Flickr

End of absolute poverty, hunger and disease in sight

We can end absolute, extreme poverty within 20 years, according to Geoffrey Lamb, president of global policy and advocacy at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. That means the number of people living…

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