Duke University’s mission is to provide a liberal education for our undergraduates. This means we empower our students to find their own academic paths by teaching them to reason and to empathize in unprecedented ways. As a research university, we have the resources to connect students to the processes of inquiry and discovery—and to give our students opportunities to learn from, and collaborate with, our faculty members.
La géo-ingénierie peut-elle contribuer à réduire les risques du changement climatique pour la sécurité nationale des États, ou les aggraverait-elle au contraire en générant des tensions ?
The big question: Would climate engineering like sending reflective particles into the stratosphere or brightening clouds help reduce the national security risks of climate change or make them worse?
New fossil studies tell us our ancient ancestors enjoyed a diet of soft, sweet fruits. This would have influenced where they lived and spread to – and even the evolution of colour vision.
Sur le papier, planter des arbres issus de régions sèches dans nos forêts pour les rendre plus résilientes aux sécheresses semble une bonne idée. En pratique, cela risque de poser quelques problèmes.
Descobertas sugerem que o isolamento social vivenciado na infância pode prenunciar problemas de saúde décadas mais tarde. A conexão social não é apenas gratificante por si só: ela anda de mãos dadas com a saúde mental e física.
A recent study focusing on how offshore wind farms in Massachusetts waters could affect endangered right whales does not call for slowing the projects, but says monitoring will be critical.
Many response decisions to crises cannot be made in advance because each event is unique and has its own specific characteristics. But it is still possible to prepare for the future.
During the 1918 flu pandemic, white people died at similar rates to Black Americans, according to a new study – a very different pattern than what occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stopping the expansion of offshore oil and gas extraction is a critical but often overlooked step towards achieving global climate targets and protecting our oceans and planet.
A study of 25 heritage language schools in Edmonton shows how schools met the needs of migrant and front-line workers, resisted racism and built community for immigrants.
The extraordinary Dunedin longitudinal study shows vaccine resistance can be laid down before high school age in response to childhood trauma or neglect. But better early education could help.
People often try to seem confident and certain in their message so it will be trusted and acted upon. But when information is in flux, research suggests you should be open about what you don’t know.