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Todos os artigos de Immigration

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Advert for a bus company, Tineghir, southern Morocco Hein de Haas

Explainer: what makes people migrate?

Why do people migrate? At first glance it seems reasonable to assume that most people move hoping to find better conditions or opportunities elsewhere, such as jobs, higher wages, safety or freedom of…
Where are the other 384,999? Vadim Ghirda/AP

Pseudo-research pulls 385,000 migrants out of a hat

The immigration debate isn’t a great place to look for rational or factual arguments at the best of times, and new rules concerning Romania and Bulgaria have spurred a new round of evidence-free speculation…
Some migrants are more equal than others. Steve Parsons/PA Wire

Ignore the scare tactics – Roma integration is hard but worth it

Those who follow the situation of Europe’s Roma know that there is never a “dull” week in which we don’t hear of accusations, abuse, or even violence against them. Most events do not grab major headlines…
How big is too big? Australia’s population is growing faster than expected. yananine

Why our ‘Big Australia’ is getting bigger

The latest population projections from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), released earlier this week, suggest Australia’s future population growth will be considerably greater than previously indicated…
Thousands of people are in domestic servitude in the UK, and many are migrants. Photographer: Evil Erin

To end domestic servitude, first fix immigration policy

Details are still emerging in the case of three women who claim to have been held as slaves for three decades in a suburban house in London. The Metropolitan police have stated that a 69-year-old Malaysian…
England: not so pleasant land if you’re a migrant. Freefoto

Get ready for more scare tactics on EU immigrants

Brace yourself for more dire warnings about how Britain will be flooded next year by hordes of migrants from Bulgaria and Romania. This week’s story in The Times quotes figures from the Office for National…
What does the future hold for multiculturalism in Australia under an Abbott government? betta design

Does Murdoch’s multiculturalism light Abbott’s path to the future?

Rupert Murdoch’s Lowy lecture last week celebrated Australia as a multicultural and migrant society, a place where “multiculturalism is not relativism, and tolerance is not indifference” and there is “an…
We cannot profess to be taking our international protection obligations seriously until enhanced screening of asylum seekers arriving by boat is discontinued. EPA/Stringer

Sri Lankan boat arrivals: enhanced screening, diminished protection

Since October 27 last year, more than 1,070 Sri Lankan boat arrivals have been returned to their home country. In the most recent repatriation last week, 73 of 79 Sri Lankans who arrived in Australia in…
Welcoming the world for centuries (and causing trouble for almost as long). aherrero

American dream retains appeal despite tarnished reputation

The reputation of the American political system both at home and abroad has taken a battering of late. A recent poll showed the overall approval rating for Congress at just 11%, falling from what were…
It is difficult to convey complex and nuanced research findings around immigration and social cohesion when the media’s interest is in polarisation and headlines. AAP/Dan Peled

Tracking social cohesion and cultural diversity in the media

If you were to believe some reports in the mainstream media earlier this week, Australians are now more racist, alarmed by immigration and much more negative about asylum seekers arriving by boat. However…
Border control: the biggest group of migrants to Britain is students. Martin Rickett/PA Wire

Hard Evidence: how does the public feel about immigration?

It is “immigration week” on Sky News – but, to be fair, most weeks are immigration week across large parts of the media. In many ways, this is only right – immigration is an issue of huge national importance…
What, you want all these new skyscrapers AND migrant rights? Omar Chatriwala

Less is more when it comes to migrant rights

This week the UN General Assembly is debating the global governance of international labour migration. This meeting is particularly timely, following reports of numerous deaths among Nepalese workers on…
EU migrants have highest rates of employment in UK. Stephen Kelly

Hard Evidence: are migrants draining the welfare system?

Hard Evidence is a series of articles that looks at some of the trickiest public policy questions we face. Academic experts delve into available research evidence to provide informed analysis you won’t…

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