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Todos os artigos de Paleo diet

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Whole foods like unprocessed fruits, vegetables and grains are typically high in fiber. Tanja Ivanova/Moment via Getty Images

Fiber is your body’s natural guide to weight management – rather than cutting carbs out of your diet, eat them in their original fiber packaging instead

Many processed foods strip carbs of their natural fibers. Eating foods with an ideal total carbohydrate-to-fiber ratio can help with weight management and improve overall health.
Is this really what our Paleolithic ancestors ate? New data suggests prehistoric diets had a lot more overlap with our own than earlier studies estimated. (Shutterstock)

It’s time to leave the Paleo Diet in the past: Recent studies have failed to support its claims

The Paleo Diet is popular, but research has yet to substantiate its purported health benefits. As evolutionary anthropologists, here’s why we think it’s time to leave the Paleo Diet in the past.
Science can help you decide which diet works best for you. wavebreakmedia/

Confused about what to eat? Science can help

‘Why is nutrition so confusing?’ is a common lament, but the truth is out there. Forget fad diets and media hype. It’s time to harness the power of science to create a healthy and sustainable diet.
Very few people today live a true hunter-gatherer lifestyle – and Paleo diets likely oversimplify what would have been on the table many millennia ago. Thiery

Real Paleo Diet: early hominids ate just about everything

Reconstructions of human evolution are prone to simple, overly-tidy scenarios. Our ancestors, for example, stood on two legs to look over tall grass, or began to speak because, well, they finally had something…
Harking back to the diet of the caveman. Flickr/George

The palaeolithic diet and the unprovable links to our past

We still hear and read a lot about how a diet based on what our Stone Age ancestors ate may be a cure-all for modern ills. But can we really run the clock backwards and find the optimal way to eat? It’s…
Meat, anyone? Shutterstock

Caveman cravings? Rating the paleo diet

Over the years, hundreds of diet books have claimed to have the perfect recipe for decreasing the national girth. They manipulate quantities of protein, fats or carbohydrates and most work in the short…

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