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Todos os artigos de Pay inequality

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Forida, who earns about 35 cents (AUD) an hour as a garment worker, subsists on watery rice when her family’s money runs out so her son may eat better. GMB Akash/Panos/OxfamAUS

There are many good ideas to tackle inequality – it’s time we acted on them

We wear the evidence of extreme inequality – clothing made by workers in Bangladesh for 35 cents an hour. But we know how to reduce inequality – we just have to do it.
Aggregate demand is being hit by the concentration of income growth among the top earners and is now a drag on economic growth. Shutterstock

How rising inequality is stalling economies by crippling demand

News that Australian CEO pay has soared to a 17-year high at a time when ordinary workers’ wages are flatlining is ultimately bad news for economic growth and prosperity.
Women face myriad barriers running for office and it’s time to knock down those obstacles starting at the municipal level. In this November 2017 photo, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland sits between Maryam Monsef, Minister of Status of Women, right, and Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie. (The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick)

How to ensure more women run for public office

Canadian women are under-represented in politics and are hesitant to run for office for myriad reasons. Here’s what needs to be done, especially at the municipal level, to get more women in office.

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