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Todos os artigos de Race

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Jeffrey Wright stars in ‘American Fiction,’ a satirical film which raises questions about race and commodity and diversity. (Orion)

‘American Fiction’ asks who gets to decide Blackness

The release of ‘American Fiction’ presents an opportunity to talk about race, power and white supremacy: What version of Blackness is acceptable or saleable within American culture?
Psychologist and professor Monnica Williams, on the left with a patient, is advocating for psychedelics in therapy to heal racial trauma. Right: Psilocybin mushrooms sit on a drying rack in the Uptown Fungus lab in Springfield, Ore. (Left: Monnica Williams | Right: AP/Craig Mitchelldyer)

The potential of psychedelics to heal our racial traumas

Clinical psychologist and professor Monnica Williams is on a mission to bring psychedelics to therapists’ offices to help people heal from their racial traumas. To do this, she’s jumping over some big hurdles.
Police officers are seen in front of Parliament Hill in Ottawa in September 2023 at the conservative ‘1MillionMarch4Children’ protest. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Patrick Doyle

Canadian cities continue to over-invest in policing

Despite public calls to defund the police in 2020, the budgets of Canadian police forces have continued to rise.
The term BIPOC amalgamates distinct experiences of racism and colonialism and misses those that do not fit within one category, like individuals of mixed ancestry. (Shutterstock)

Why we should stop using acronyms like BIPOC

Acronyms like BIPOC can highlight the similar ways racism impacts different people. However, they can also gloss over the distinct experiences of communities.
An ethicist calls the government’s decision to not support a search for murdered Indigenous women immoral. Pictured here is a protest to support the search in Winnipeg. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/John Woods)

A moral argument to search the landfill in Winnipeg for murdered Indigenous women

Manitoba’s provincial government has declined to support a search for three murdered Indigenous women, citing health and safety concerns. An ethicist explains why this decision needs to be rethought.

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