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Todos os artigos de Syriza

Exibindo 41 - 60 de 74 artigos

The success of Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish National Party has profoundly disrupted the tedious pendulum movement between Left and Right. EPA/Robert Perry

European movements could mark the end of ‘representative’ politics

With a steady hollowing out of membership, the cosying up to vested interests with pockets deep enough to maintain party, today’s political parties barely “represent”.
Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras and Pablo Iglesias of Podemos have taken their populist parties to victory in Greece and a lead in the polls in Spain. Flickr/Fanis Xouryas

Populism and democracy: friend or foe? Rising stars deepen dilemma

The rise of left-wing populism challenges those who flatly denounced right-wing populism as undemocratic. Populism can appear as a democratic force in some contexts and anti-democratic in others.
Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis faces the press after reaching a deal with the Eurogroup. EPA/Olivier Hoslet

Greece will stay in the euro – for now

Greece’s loan extension agreement will keep it in the eurozone for the time being, but there’s no guarantees it can become a responsible member.
With a temporary EU debt deal done, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis must now deliver his economic reform plan. Stephanie Lecocq/EPA/AAP

Greece stares financial apocalypse in the face, and retreats

Crisis postponed. On Friday, Greece, the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) brokered a four-month extension of bailout loans to the newly-installed government of Alexis Tsipras…
Greece: the mouse that roared? EPA/Simela Pantzartzi

Greece’s path out of the euro

Ever since Greece elected its new Syriza government, there has been growing talk of Greece defaulting on its debt and leaving the eurozone. I’ve been arguing that once Greece achieved a primary budget…
Syriza have shaken up European solidarity, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. EPA/Michael Kappeler

European unity is at stake if a Greek debt deal isn’t reached

The emphatic rejection of disastrous austerity policies by the newly elected Greek government has caused consternation in eurozone capitals. Germany has been particularly strong in dismissing Greek pleas…
Finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, is struggling to make his case to Greece’s creditors in Germany. EPA/Kay Nietfield

Syriza must face facts and take responsibility for Greece’s debt

Tired of dealing with the consequences of austerity, Greece appears to be run by a party inspired by the politics of Homer. Not the Greek Homer, mind you, I refer to the Springfieldian. Some may recall…
European markets have so far reacted cautiously to Greek anti-austerity party win. EPA/Juan Carlos Hidalgo

Greece: a collision with lenders would be disastrous for growth

Syriza, in choosing to enter into coalition with the Independent Greeks, is sending a clear message to the Eurozone’s leaders: it is intent on challenging Greece’s debt repayments. So, some form of challenge…

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