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Todos os artigos de tobacco industry

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Forget tobacco industry arguments about choice. Here’s what young people think about NZ’s smokefree generation policy

Whether or not they smoke, most young people don’t share the tobacco companies’ view that New Zealand’s new smokefree measures will reduce their autonomy or limit their freedoms.
It can be difficult to distinguish between the calls of sincere scientists for more research to reach greater certainty, and the politically motivated criticisms of science skeptics. (Shutterstock)

Scientific certainty survival kit: How to push back against skeptics who exploit uncertainty for political gain

Skeptics may make demands for absolute certainty to undermine science and delay action. Critiques may not be in the interest of advancing science and public health, but by someone with an agenda.
Reports suggest there are more than 100 tobacco-sponsored schools in China, a country with more than 300 million smokers. (Shutterstock)

China’s tobacco industry is building schools and no one is watching

The Chinese National Tobacco Corporation is expanding its international markets through subsidiaries. Is the world ready for tobacco companies sponsoring or supporting schools?
Former Attorney-General Nicola Roxon backed Australia’s plain tobacco packaging legislation at the time of its 2012 challenge in the High Court. The latest World Trade Organisation dispute is the third major challenge on legal or trade grounds. Lukas Coch/AAP

World Trade Organisation gives Australia’s plain tobacco packs the (draft) thumbs up

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has reportedly backed Australia’s laws on plain tobacco packaging implemented from December 2012. The apparent decision marks the end of the last of three cases brought…
Classifying e-cigarettes as a nicotine replacement therapy could help the tobacco industry influence health policy. from

How e-cigarettes could ‘health wash’ the tobacco industry

Classing e-cigarettes as quit smoking aids could help rebrand the tobacco industry as a legitimate player in health policy. Here’s why we should be concerned.
Proper nutrition is critical to combatting the costly and deadly epidemics of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. from

Essays on health: how food companies can sneak bias into scientific research

Food, drug and other companies often sponsor research in the hope it might produce results favourable to their products. How can we ensure such research remains independent?

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