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Todos os artigos de Vaccination rates for COVID-19

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As of Nov. 30, 2022, 62.5% of children and adolescents are unvaccinated against COVID-19. South_agency/E+ via Getty Images

Nurses’ attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination for their children are highly influenced by partisanship, a new study finds

Nurses who identify as Democrats have a significantly higher likelihood of having their children vaccinated against COVID-19 than those who identify as Republicans.
Young children are rolling up their sleeves to get vaccinated, protecting themselves against COVID-19 and helping to curb the pandemic. (Dasantila Golemi-Kotra)

Children ages 5 to 11 are getting COVID-19 vaccinations: What this might mean for the holidays and the Omicron variant

The participation of five-to-11-year-old children in vaccination programs will make 90 per cent of the population eligible to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Italians must now present a form of vaccine passport called a ‘Green Pass’ to enter many indoor establishments. Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images

Italy – once overwhelmed by COVID-19 – turns to a health pass and stricter measures to contain virus

After enduring a devastating wave of infections, deaths and lockdowns at the start of the pandemic, Italy is putting in place tougher anti-COVID measures, including a vaccine passport.
With many vaccine-eligible people in the U.S. staying away, some vaccine sites have no lines. Mario Tama/Getty Images

US Black and Latino communities often have low vaccination rates – but blaming vaccine hesitancy misses the mark

People who haven’t gotten vaccinated for COVID-19 often have complex reasons for their relunctance or may face other barriers. Lumping them all together undercuts the vaccination campaign.

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