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Todos os artigos de Venezuela

Exibindo 161 - 175 de 175 artigos

US and Venezuela meet in Brazil Reuters photographer

The US-Venezuela-Cuba triangle

The Obama administration announced the intention to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba the same week that Congress approved sanctions against Venezuela for human rights violations. The timing was coincidental…
A harbinger of things to come? VP Joe BIden up close and personal with Brazil’s President Rousseff Ricardo Moraes/Reuters

Around the world in 2015: the big stories predicted

The New Year always provides an opportunity for both introspection and speculation. So it seems a good time to consider what the big stories are likely to be this year. Some of the five major stories I…
Xi Jinping’s tour through Latin American countries signals the time is right to reassess Chinese investment in Australia. AAP/EPA/Cubadebate

Xi Jinping’s Latin American tour harbours insights for Australia

Chinese President Xi Jinping has just returned from his second state visit to Latin America, having achieved what no other leader could. His dash through Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, and Cuba has breathed…
Venezuelans deeply divided over the way their country is managed. EPA/JORGE CASTELLANOS

From pearls to oil: Venezuela’s long history of boom-and-bust

Protests continue unabated in Venezuela over inequality and abuses of power, with even the anniversary of Hugo Chavez’s death unable to restore calm to the country. Despite sitting on the world’s largest…
Dictatorship or direct democracy? Depends who you ask. EPA/Miguel Gutierrez

Misrepresentation left, right and centre in Venezuela protests

Opposition protests against Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro over crime, inflation, and shortages show no sign of abating, and the March 5 anniversary of Hugo Chavez’s death will only add to the sense…
Hugo Chávez still looms over Venezuela. Rodrigo Abd/AP

Venezuelan unrest could be the beginning of the end for Chavismo

Venezuela has seen waves of protest against the government of Nicolas Maduro. At least 13 people are dead, a prominent opposition member, Leopoldo Lopez, is now in custody having surrendered and three…
Venezuela’s oil reserves, inflation rate, and the handling of its currency are shaping up to be central issues in the lead-up to the election, which will be held on Sunday. AAP

Amid the spoils of oil, challenges await post-Chavez Venezuela

Elections in most Latin American countries are extremely polarised and emotionally charged events. They are highly contested and controversial affairs, characterised by massive political rallies, clever…
Mourners accompany the remains of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez through the streets of Caracas. EPA/David Fernandez

In death, Chavez is more alive than ever in Latin America

The recent death of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez from cancer comes as no great surprise. The former military leader had rarely been seen in the public eye since December last year when he travelled…
Hugo Chávez was public persona was crafted over years of domestic revolution and international rebellion. Boris Vergara/EPA

The many faces of Hugo Chávez, and the challenge ahead for Venezuela

In Hugo Chávez, Venezuela has lost the most iconic leader the country has seen since Simón Bolívar fought for independence from Spain. The rest of the world has lost one of the most polarising leaders…
The political tumult in Paraguay will have significant ramifications for future economic engagement between South American countries and Australia. AAP

Paraguay’s ‘coup’ puts a dent in Australian-South American trade dreams

World Cup qualifiers in South America are renowned for their ferocity. For Uruguayans, there is more at stake than national pride. Even a “friendly” against Argentina or Brazil is a chance for revenge…
As Hugo Chávez’s health deteriorates, how will he guarantee his political future? EPA/Marcelo Garcia

Venezuela: taking stock of Chavez’s physical and political health

Just eight months after being treated in Cuba for cancer, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez was back in Cuba again last month to have another tumor removed from the same area. Despite his illness, Chávez…

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