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Articles on Brexit

Displaying 561 - 580 of 1730 articles

German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks during the Deutscher Arbeitgebertag congress, organised by the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) and gathering German employers in Berlin on November 22, 2018. Wolfgang Kumm/AFP

Questioning the claim of Germany’s ‘employment miracle’

The labour market inequalities and economic insecurity are stoking discontent from the Rhine to the Seine.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets British Prime Minister Theresa May at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Dec. 1, 2018. Post-Brexit, Canada and the U.K. have a chance to transform their economies by working together. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Post-Brexit, the U.K. and Canada can fuel global sustainability

As 2019 dawns, a worldwide circular economy could be created through international trade and trade agreements like the one that could be forged between Canada and the U.K., post-Brexit.
An anti-Brexit protester speaks during a demonstration. Reuters/Henry Nicholls

How Trump and Brexit united Europe

Back in 2016, the Brexit vote and US presidential election seemed like a nationalist one-two punch that could knock out the European Union. Instead, EU support actually rose, new research shows.

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