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Articles on Brexit

Displaying 1161 - 1180 of 1730 articles

Afrikaans singer Steve Hofmeyr (with the yellow t-shirt) in front of a statue of Paul Kruger at Church Square in Pretoria. Alon Skuy/The Times

Donald Trump, white victimhood and the South African far-right

The idea of white victimhood played an important part in Donald Trump’s rise. The South African brand of white supremacy has made a tangible contribution to this narrative of victimhood.
The Statue of Liberty has been a welcoming sight for immigrants for decades. Susan Ragan/AP Photo

Want a stronger economy? Give immigrants a warm welcome

Trump’s plans to build a wall with Mexico and deport millions of people in the US illegally cast immigrants as an economic threat to Americans. The evidence suggests otherwise.
South Africans queue to vote in the 2016 municipal elections. The governing ANC is accused of wanting to generate ‘fake news’ to influence voters. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Fake news: the internet has turned an age-old problem into a new threat

The planting of messages and countering narratives in the media is not new. It’s part and parcel of contemporary politics especially during elections. The internet simply makes an old problem worse.

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