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Articles on Conservative Party

Displaying 461 - 480 of 533 articles

Brexit ‘bad for business’ says BCC director John Longworth. Andy Rain/EPA

Uncertainty about Brexit is bad for business, says BCC chief

There have been calls for an early referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU. But they did not originate from Conservative eurosceptic backbenchers or from UKIP, as one would expect. Instead, it was…
This house has seen some corkers over the years. davidesimonetti/Flickr

Britain’s seven greatest general elections since 1945

General elections are the great democratic leveller. Every citizen – however wealthy, educated or interested – gets an opportunity to pass judgement on the performance of the government and the direction…
Osborne will have to do more if he wants to reach targets for social security spending. Philip Toscano/PA Wire

Deeper benefit cuts needed to hit Conservative target

A Green Budget for 2015 was released recently by the Institute for Fiscal Studies. The detailed report on social security spending shows that a future government would have to implement much deeper cuts…
Voters are packing their bags and leaving the middle ground. Rawpixel/Shutterstock

Playing it safe could make Labour and Tories sorry

The current predictions for the 2015 election place Conservatives and Labour neck and neck with projections of around 280 seats each. The most likely outcome of the general election would seem to be another…
Poll results worth drinking to. Steve Parsons/PA Wire

As election campaign kicks off, UKIP is setting the agenda

At the launch of Labour’s election campaign in Manchester, Ed Miliband accused the prime minister, David Cameron, of playing “risky and irresponsible games” with the EU. Exit, he argued, would be a “dramatic…
No one gets to make themselves at home in this house. ** Maurice **/Flickr

How to predict the outcome of a general election

If most commentators are right, the 2015 general election is likely to be one of the most unpredictable and exciting polls of the post-war period. The dramatic rise in support for UKIP in England, the…
Churchill was anything but a eurosceptic. John Stillwell/PA Archive/Press Association Images

What Churchill really thought about Britain’s place in Europe

Winston Churchill’s role in fostering European unity is beyond dispute in Brussels. The European Union’s website lists Churchill as one of 11 founding fathers of the organisation. In Strasbourg, the European…
Louise Mensch was one of the first single-termers to leave our current parliament. Stefan Wermuth/PA Archive

The arrival (and departure) of the parliamentary single-termers

All university admissions tutors know about single-termers. They are those students – some badly advised and intellectually bewildered, others more devious – who decide around mid-November that they want…
Cameron’s long term economic plan involves more debt and deficit. Peter Byrne/PA Wire

The UK cannot ‘live within its means’ under David Cameron

In the first of a series of keynote speeches Prime Minister David Cameron identified the central theme of the Conservative Party’s 2015 general election manifesto: “to get Britain back to living within…
If you stay very still, it can’t see you. Oli Scarff/PA Archive

2014: the year the old guard woke up to multi-party politics

Psephologists have been warning for decades now that multi-party politics is on the rise in the UK, but for most of the time they have been ignored. Everything changed in 2014 though, and the old guard…
Have walkies policies won over the canine community? Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

Bye bye swivel eyes: how UKIP transformed to woo the masses

As UKIP makes parliamentary gains at every turn, it no longer seems possible to dismiss the party as a group of anti-EU obsessives that has little in common with mainstream politics. The days of the swivel-eyed…
‘No, you love Juncker more.’ Paul Rogers/PA

Labour and the Lib Dems are crashing the Eurosceptic party

As prime minister David Cameron works on the finishing touches of his much-awaited speech on Europe and immigration he is under considerable pressure from his backbenchers and some frontbenchers to signal…

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