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Articles on Evangelicals

Displaying 61 - 80 of 95 articles

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a mass in his hometown of St. Petersburg, Russia, on Jan. 7, 2018. Alexei Nikolsky, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

Why Putin is an ally for American evangelicals

During the Cold War, American evangelicals smuggled Bibles and other Christian literature to the Soviet Union and other communist countries. They still see Russia as a partner on evangelical values.
President Donald Trump with pastor Paula White during a dinner for evangelical leaders in the White House, on Aug. 27, 2018. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

This 19th-century argument over federal support for Christianity still resonates

President Trump has promised to protect religious liberty. But there was a time when evangelicals believed that a religion that needed protection from government had no reason to exist at all.
The divisive right-wing Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, seen in here on a campaign poster, is often likened to Donald Trump. Some supporters take pride in the comparison. Reuters/Ricardo Moraes

Brazilian evangelicals, swinging hard to the right, could put a Trump-like populist in the presidency

Brazil’s evangelical Christians are an increasingly powerful political force. These conservative, faith-based voters are now backing a divisive firebrand known for racist remarks for the presidency.
Britain’s Queen Mother Elizabeth chats with Eric North, secretary of the American Bible Society, during a visit to the organization’s headquarters in New York City on Oct. 28, 1954. AP Photo/John Lindsay

How the American Bible Society became evangelical

The American Bible Society, with an annual revenue of nearly $370 million, is one of the largest religious nonprofits, and a highly influential one.
President Donald Trump with televangelist Rev. Pat Robertson. AP Photo/Steve Helber

How Christian media is shaping American politics

In recent years, Christian television has moved into news and politics. A scholar explains its impact on beliefs and on politics.
Members of the senior class of Russell County HIgh School in Kentucky recite the Lord’s Prayer, in defiance of a court ruling, during commencement exercises in 2006. AP Photo/James Crisp

History shows why school prayer is so divisive

As the Kentucky Senate considers a bill for school prayer, a scholar explains the violent history of prayer – and a time when Catholic students were sometimes whipped, beaten and worse for not participating.
Stormy Daniels, an adult star, at a local restaurant in downtown New Orleans. AP Photo/Bill Haber

Why the Christian right opposes pornography but still supports Trump

The Christian right’s response to pornography in recent history is complicated. The moral conviction against porn remains strong, but there is also sympathy for its consumers.
Several thousand people gather at a rally in Washington in 1952 to hear Evangelist Billy Graham preach. AP Photo

Could there be another Billy Graham?

Current trends suggest that evangelicalism is out of step with younger Americans. But, a scholar says, evangelicalism has been here before.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stands during a service at the International Church of Las Vegas in Las Vegas in Oct. 2016. AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File

How the religious right shaped American politics: 6 essential reads

Trump embraced evangelicals in his first year as president. Here, scholars provide historical context to how the religious right has shaped American politics over the past decades.
Evangelicals are supporting Roy Moore despite the allegations against him. But would liberals make similar compromises? Reuters/Jonathan Bachman

Why evangelicals are OK with voting for Roy Moore

A scholar who has interviewed hundreds of Christians across the country explains how he sees religious beliefs and values intertwining with pragmatic concerns.
Brazil’s jailhouse preachers may not explicitly condone violence against people of other faiths, but they’ve remained largely silent as their well-armed followers wage a holy war. Reuters/Ricardo Moraes

In Brazil, religious gang leaders say they’re waging a holy war

As hard-line Pentecostalism spreads across Brazil, some drug traffickers in gang-controlled areas of Rio de Janeiro are using religion as an excuse to attack nonbelievers.

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