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Articles on Genetic testing

Displaying 81 - 95 of 95 articles

DNA peddling needs to be banned. home_of_chaos

It is game over for 23andMe, and rightly so

The market for personal genome services is facing a reality check. While the most prominent and innovative company 23andMe has flourished so far, in the past few years many of its competitors have gone…
Welcome to nowhere, says FDA. widdowquinn

Stopping 23andMe will only delay the revolution medicine needs

Genetic testing is a powerful tool. Two years ago, with the help of my colleagues, it was this tool that helped us identify a new disease. The disease, called Ogden Syndrome, caused the death of a four-month…
Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy has sparked a series of reports about preventative surgery. PA/Alastair Grant

Greater access to genetic testing in NHS will help cancer fight

Following Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie’s revelation last week that she’d undergone a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer, it has emerged that a 53-year-old man had his prostate removed after…
Newborn babies may soon be given genome-wide tests and the data placed on their e-health record. sean dreilinger

Gene testing framework ignores privacy and security concerns

By making it possible to screen for gene variants linked to a higher risk of disease, gene testing has the potential to transform the way we manage health. It opens up the possibility of routine screening…
Finding out that you a genetically predisposed to depression can make you feel worse. Lloyd Morgan

Genetic testing for depression creates an ethical minefield

A friend of mine is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment following surgery for breast cancer. Recently, she told me that she would happily pay the AUS$4000 for a genetic test to detect whether she…
Learning more about the contribution of multiple risk factors to major depressive disorder will help predict risk. Iris Shreve Garrott

Predicting the risk of depressive disorder – promises and pitfalls

The possibility of harnessing genetic science to head off major depressive disorder, the world’s leading cause of disability, is getting closer. But molecular intervention for this common multifactorial…
Genetic testing can render perfectly healthy people into the “worried well.” Thomas Hawk

How genetic testing is swelling the ranks of the ‘worried well’

OVER-DIAGNOSIS EPIDEMIC – Today Jacqueline Savard talks about the growing prevalence of genetic testing and what impact they have on over-diagnosis. Genetic testing and screening is increasingly becoming…
A whole genome test is meaningless unless you can interpret it. Dave Faryam

The $1000 genome map: do you really want to know?

It’s now possible to access genetic testing from your living room or office, without the need to visit a health professional. There are many reasons why you might like to get a genetic test. Maybe someone…
A positive result from predictive genetic testing can give rise to mental health issues, such as depression and suicide. pedro veneroso/Flickr

A little bit of knowledge: the perils of genetic tests for Alzheimer’s disease

Genetic mutations are the cause of many incurable diseases and we now have tests to predict the likelihood of people developing inherited diseases. But predictive genetic tests for neurodegenerative diseases…

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