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Articles on Hollywood

Displaying 181 - 200 of 253 articles

Sandra Bullock in Gravity (2013) portrayed a female protagonist well, but the industry has a long way to go. Warner Bros.

How to reduce sexism in screenplays

Only 10% of films have a gender-balanced cast, and getting more women on screens starts with the screenwriters. The solution can be as simple as giving minor characters female names.
The Mummy, in its 2017 rendition, rehashes an 80-year-old franchise focused on revived Egyptian corpses. AlloCine

Why we love (and fear) mummies

Mummies are scary but they also fascinate us, giving us the feeling that we can vanquish time by preserving our most perishable feature: flesh.
David Gulpilil as the tracker Moodoo in the 2002 film Rabbit Proof Fence. Rumbalara Films, Australian Film Commission, The, Australian Film Finance Corporation

Why is the Australian government funding Hollywood films at the expense of our stories?

Watching David Stratton’s loving recall of Australian films of the past 50 years over the past three weeks on the ABC, makes you realise how much impact they have had on us all. As one actor says, our…
Films like Mean Girls often show the high school jungle, but they lack the gravitas of films such as Boyhood. Paramount Pictures

Where are the epic women’s coming of age screen stories?

The success of Wonder Woman has demonstrated an appetite for female leads in Hollywood films. So where are the movies that tell truth about young women’s lives?
Daniel Day-Lewis won the 2012 Academy Award for his portrayal of Abraham Lincoln. Is Spielberg’s historical drama a good way to learn about the 16th U.S. president? Touchstone Pictures

Are movies a good way to learn history?

History movies may have Oscar potential, but their educational potential is more complicated. Should teachers use Hollywood to teach?

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