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Articles on Holocaust

Displaying 101 - 120 of 202 articles

In the Living Quarters by Bedrich Fritta portrays Terezín (Theresienstadt) ghetto where early Holocaust poetry was written. Wikimedia

Holocaust poetry and the reclamation of many identities

Holocaust poetry has been written for the last 90 years by people all over the world, in many different languages and by many different groups.
A wall-size image at the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum that shows Jewish prisoners marching. The Nazis killed prisoners during these marches. AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez

Is it ethical to show Holocaust images?

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, a scholar of mass atrocities explains the power of Holocaust images and why these images, despite critiques, ‘humanize suffering’ rather than ‘dehumanize victims.’
Jewish youth on a sailboat in Salonika harbor, 1929, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Gabriel Albocher

Vital Hasson, the Jew who worked for the Nazis, hunted down refugees and tore apart families in WWII Greece

Vital Hasson was born into the Jewish community of Salonica, Greece, a cultural capital of the Sephardic world. After World War II, he was executed for helping the Nazis destroy that community.
Chinese paramilitary police stand duty in People’s Square where hundreds of Uighers first started a protest that erupted into rioting in July 2009. Five years later, China started imprisoning Uighers in “re-education hospitals.” (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

The ominous metaphors of China’s Uighur concentration camps

The metaphors used to defend the 21st century’s largest system of concentration camps are chillingly similar to Nazi Holocaust-era justifications.
Charlotte Solamon’s expansive work told a story over 784 paintings that saw words intermingling with pages of beautifully painted pictures. Collection Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam/ © Charlotte Salomon Foundation/Charlotte Salomon ®

This young woman created 784 paintings while hiding from the Nazis

Charlotte Salomon’s dizzying work of hope and creativity amid destruction and despair, is a moving early example of the contemporary graphic novel
Slavery is not so far removed. Anderson and Minerva Edwards met in the 1860s as enslaved laborers in Texas, had 16 children and lived into their 90s in a cabin a few miles from the plantations they once worked. They are photographed here in 1937. U.S. Library of Congress

If Germany atoned for the Holocaust, the US can pay reparations for slavery

Old injustices don’t simply disappear with time – they tear a nation apart.
Adolf Hitler (second from the right in front) is shown in this 1939 file photo along with German and Italian army chiefs after having signed the German-Italian military pact in Germany. AP

I was an expert witness against a teacher who taught students to question the Holocaust

A scholar’s efforts to learn how textbooks in New Jersey were portraying the Holocaust leads her to testify against a history teacher who taught his students to question if the Holocaust took place.
Chen Yabian, 74, of Hainan Province, southern China, testifies during the International Symposium on Chinese ‘Comfort Women’ in 2000 in Shanghai that she was 14 when Japanese Imperial Army soldiers forced her to work as a sex slave during the war. AP/Eugene Hoshiko

Recent attempts at reparations show that World War II is not over

US agreements with Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria provide reparations to WWII victims. But an international law scholar writes that the US has failed to address war crimes in Asia.
Nazi leadership saw medical and pharmaceutical research as a front-line tool to contribute to the war effort. Akanbatt / Pixabay

When science is put in the service of evil

Medical research has a dark history of human experimentation in Nazi Germany. And we’re still uncovering the extent of the horrors.

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