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Articles on Intimate partner violence

Displaying 81 - 98 of 98 articles

In this 2008 photo, Liam Gallagher of Oasis performs during a concert in Los Angeles. Noel is seen on the screen behind him. The brothers have a notoriously dysfunctional relationship. Could their father’s documented abuse of their mother explain the animosity? (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)

The Oasis brothers: Father’s abuse explains feud, resilience could end it

The famous feuding Gallagher brothers of the rock band Oasis illustrate what research shows: Kids who grow up in homes where there is domestic violence often grow up to have troubled relationships.
Congolese women in the eastern town of Bunia. Even in conflict zones women are more likely to face violence in their homes than outside. EPA/Murizio Gambarini

Why home, even when there’s war, is the most dangerous place for women

Shocking new findings show that even in conflict-affected countries where soldiers and rebel fighters are a daily danger to women, their husbands and boyfriends are the bigger threat.
Abused women were concerned that their pets may also be harmed by their abuser. (Shutterstock)

Fears for pets can put abused women at further risk

Concern for their pets’ safety can lead women to delay leaving their abusers. Better on-site pet services in women’s shelters would enable them to seek help without fear for their animals’ well-being.
Pregnant women in South Africa who live in poor communities are more likely to consider or attempt suicide than the general population. Mike Hutchings/Reuters

How social factors drive up suicide rates among pregnant women

Depression may lead pregnant women to engage in suicidal behaviour. But the socioeconomic contexts pregnant women are in may also contribute to their suicide risk.
For women of reproductive age and Indigenous women, intimate partner violence is the single biggest health risk factor. from

Study confirms intimate partner violence leading health risk factor for women

A study being launched today by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety confirms the serious impacts of intimate partner violence.
Stigma and intimate partner violence prevent HIV-positive mothers from accessing care and treatment. Reuters/Darrin Zammit Lupi

HIV can be prevented in babies if their mothers are kept safe

For pregnant HIV-positive women taking anti-retrovirals is critical for their babies’ health. Intimate partner violence affects adherence, and must be addressed as part of women’s HIV treatment.
It’s estimated general practitioners see up to five abused women every week. Aikawa Ke/Flickr

Acting on family violence: how the health system can step up

Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence will today hear how the health system can better respond to partner abuse, with the help of trained professionals and broader, government support.
Limited attention has been given to efforts aiming to reduce alcohol-related intimate partner violence by reducing harmful drinking. jenny downing/Flickr

Alcohol’s link to domestic violence is in focus – now what?

By mapping alcohol’s role in domestic violence, a report published today lifts the lid on the plight of numerous Australian adults and children whose lives are negatively affected by a family member with…

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