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Articles on Oceans

Displaying 661 - 680 of 716 articles

Oceans can hide global warming for a decade

Computer simulations of global climate have shown that the planet’s oceans can mask the presence of global warming for as…

Male mantis shrimps sing alone, together

Male mantis shrimps have individual voices but will often work together to attract females or frighten off enemies. Researchers…
Why deplete a country’s mineral resources when its natural capital is worth so much more? Muhammad Erdi Lazuardi

Raja Ampat: why reefs are worth more money than mines

“Natural capital” is the resources in nature’s bank. Nature’s capital is not evenly spread across the world: some areas are “richer” than others. Raja Ampat in Papua is one of the richest. Currently under…
Southern bluefin tuna are critically endangered, but the fishing industry wants to catch more. AAP

Tuna or not tuna? The real cost of taking a fish out of water

The Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna is meeting today to discuss raising Australia’s tuna fishing quota. The tuna industry is expected to ask for a 30% rise in Australia’s allocated…

Key to big whale bite found in fossils

An examination of fossils found 25 years ago on Victoria’s coastline are providing paleontologists with new clues into the…
It will take more than science to save the last tuna from becoming sashimi. x v r/Flickr

Saving tuna from overfishing means playing politics

Fisheries provide animal protein for much of the world’s population, and provide livelihoods for the millions of people who work in fishing industries. But overfishing, in conjunction with other human…

Viruses make up masses of ocean life

Viruses fill the ocean and have a significant effect on ocean biology, specifically marine microbiology, according to new…
Simple seagrass can answer some complex climate problems. Joanne Saad

Our home is girt by sea; our land abounds in nature’s carbon sinks

Reducing carbon emissions is necessary, but what about the carbon that has already been released into the atmosphere? Many countries are turning to “biosequestration” for the answers: using nature - including…

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