Academics and others concerned with benefitting from peer professional collaboration can use COVID-19 disruptions as an opportunity to improve conferences through smart design.
Fast fashion is far from green. But the rapid expansion of online clothing resale platforms could help shrink the garment industry’s negative impact on the environment.
Clashes between mining companies and communities are often about the age-old question of whether mining, with its adverse impacts, can benefit the many or only a selected few.
While the sports sector’s environmental impact is not fully understood, it has a social platform and reach to influence a significant number of people worldwide to choose more sustainable behaviors.
South Africa’s that current land reform strategies focus too narrowly on agricultural outcomes and transferred ownership - this undermines equitable and sustainable land reform.
Going from a single spore to a finished fungi-derived leather product takes a couple of weeks. But raising a cow to maturity for bovine leather can take several years.
The COVID-19 crisis highlights the importance of supply chains. But even with the increased recent attention, most supply chains remain murky. Consumers can play a key role in lifting that cloud.
There’s growing interest in making the US food system more resilient and flexible, but soil – the origin of nearly everything we eat – is often left out of the picture.
While natural fibre textiles like cotton have generated an environmentally friendly reputation in recent years they might be just as bad as microplastic textiles like polyester and Nylon.