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Articles on Teachers

Displaying 481 - 500 of 511 articles

Back to school for Obama and his education secretary Arne Duncan Charles Dharapak/AP/Press Association Images

Obama’s approach to education in the 2014 State of the Union

In 2008, I was full of hope that Barack Obama would change the American approach to education. I volunteered for his campaign’s educational policy committee and was selected as an Obama delegate for the…
Children are already experimenting. Teachers need the skills to keep up. San Jose Library

Teachers need confidence to teach coding properly

Michael Gove is ploughing ahead with plans to gather an elite team of computer science experts to help bring coding into schools. He has rightly acknowledged that teaching programming in schools is vital…
Too easy to jump to conclusions. Dave Thompson/PA Wire

False child abuse allegations take a heavy toll on teachers

These days it is heresy to suggest some teenagers may sometimes exaggerate – but when it comes to accusations of sexual abuse or misconduct, teachers who are falsely accused have little hope of salvaging…
Kids need to know that curiosity didn’t kill the cat. Julien Behal/PA

We cannot afford to get science education wrong

Science gives young people the tools to understand the world around us and the ability to engage with contemporary and future issues, such as medical advances and climate change. That is why science should…
With access to a wealth of information, students no longer need a ‘sage on the stage’, but a ‘guide on the side’. Computer image from

Cloud schooling: why we still need teachers in the internet age

Education guru Sugata Mitra and his colleagues — who have pioneered the “School in the Cloud” — are sending ripples through the world of education. Their idea is simple: provide learning spaces with ready…
Are teacher fast-tracking programs really all bad? Teacher image from

Fast-tracking teachers will lead to educational disaster? Not quite…

Reading David Zyngier’s recent article in The Conversation — ominously titled “Can anyone teach? Fast-tracking our children to educational disaster” — one would conclude that Teach for Australia and other…
Young people are harbouring misconceptions about climate change. But what can be done about it? Thinking image

What do young people really know about climate change?

The next generation will be the ones to feel the increasing effects of climate change. But how much do they really know about it? After all, it’s one thing to say: yes, I believe in climate change. But…
Australia aims to be ranked among the top five countries in the world by 2025 for student performance in reading, science and maths literacy. AAP Image/Dan Peled

Pay teachers according to expertise: report

Governments should invest in postgraduate school teacher education and primary-level specialist teachers in maths and science, according to a new green paper released today by the Melbourne Graduate School…
Genetics and quality teaching both play a role in education – but what matters more? Teaching image from

Genes aren’t destiny but teaching isn’t everything either

To follow the public debate on why some children prosper in school and others falter, you’d think it was all down to teachers. The media – from the New York Times to the Sydney Morning Herald – as well…
New tests could be in store for trainee teachers to demonstrate their emotional intelligence. Emotions image from

Do we need emotional intelligence tests for teachers?

With the newly announced federal government reforms to teacher training announced this week, emotional intelligence is now firmly on the agenda for trainee teachers. Under the proposed rules, prospective…
What is it that we’re trying to fix in teacher education? Teacher image from

Teaching standards to fix a ‘crisis’ that doesn’t exist

The past week has been a tumultuous time for university education faculties. First the NSW government announced minimum entry requirements for teaching degrees, and then the federal government trumped…
Student scores do not necessarily reflect teacher performance, Professor Berliner said.

Australia risks repeating US mistakes on teacher bonus pay: expert

Bonus payments for teachers based partly on student results put Australia at risk of following the US in encouraging educators to “game the system”, a US education expert has said. The Australian government…
Literacy and numeracy tests are having a negative impact on Australian students. Test image from

Testing the test: NAPLAN makes for stressed kids and a narrow curriculum

NAPLAN tests – the literacy and numeracy tests given to primary and secondary students – are causing health problems and promoting a culture of “teaching to the test”. A national study released today surveyed…
Education academics and teachers should be able to share ideas. Seminar image from

No Apple for teachers shows the value of sharing new ideas

Apparently, teachers and principals have no need to hear about research on international education policy and are too sensitive to deal with “controversial” ideas. Last week, the University of Melbourne’s…
Teachers are taking their own steps to learn more about their profession through social media networks. Flickr/Corey Leopold

A teachers’ show and tell: professional learning unplugged

It’s been a long time since I have been in a pub at 10.30am but that’s where you would have found me last Saturday at the Great Northern Hotel in Chatswood, Sydney. I wasn’t there to get on the punt or…
Students’ opinions should matter to their teachers. Jeremy Wilburn

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion … and I want to hear it

Every semester, I enter my classroom with almost zero knowledge of my students’ interests. So as a rhetoric and writing teacher, I ask them to employ that which is most beneficial to them in their lives…
There may be a new way to assess students’ ability to collaborate and problem solve. Flickr/Lars Plougmann

Changing tests and the PM’s 2025 goal for schools

Prime Minister Julia Gillard recently announced a new goal for Australian schools – they would reach the top five ranked school systems in the world for reading, mathematics and science by 2025. The ranking…
The Gonski response: increased funding will be tied to concrete improvement in all schools. AAP

Gonski and the PM’s education crusade: experts respond

Increased funding will be tied to concrete improvements in all schools under the government’s National Plan for School Improvement, announced on Monday in response to the Gonski Review. The government…

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