Dennis is Emeritus Professor of Education at the University of Derby and the Director of the influential campaign group Academics For Academic Freedom (AFAF), which he founded in 2006. He was a columnist for the 'Times Educational Supplement' and is a member of the editorial board of the 'Times Higher Education' magazine. He is in constant demand around the world as speaker on free speech and academic freedom.
In the educational world he is well-known for his controversial co-authored book 'The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education' (2008) which has been described as ‘one of the most important books to have been written in at least the last twenty years in that crucial area where philosophy, policy and practice coincide’. The book was repinted in 2019 as a Routledge Education Classic with a new preface.
Visit his website for more information and links to many of his publications.
National Teaching Fellow 2010