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Articles on Brazil

Displaying 401 - 420 of 586 articles

Programme participants join in during capoeira lessons in Sao Paulo’s so-called ‘Cracolandia’. Sebastian Liste/Noor for the Open Society Foundations

São Paulo’s drug policies are working – will the new mayor kill them?

A public health programme respected locally, lauded globally, and based on the best science for helping homeless crack users, is at risk of falling victim to Brazil’s partisan politics.
Giant otters were prized for their dense fur. ostill / shutterstock

Revealed: how a hunting boom left the Amazon basin with ‘empty rivers’

Land animals were able to find refuge in the depths of the forest. But aquatic species weren’t so lucky.
For women studying and working in Eurocentric institutions, wearing natural hair can be a symbol of resistance. Shutterstock

Kinky, curly hair: a tool of resistance across the African diaspora

Natural hair has become a political rallying point for women across the African diaspora. For these women, wearing natural hair is way to resist Eurocentric norms and “post-racial” political thought.
News about the sewage and pollution in Guanabara Bay in Rio have caused health concerns among Olympic athletes. Ricardo Moraes/Reuters

Brazil’s sewage woes reflect the growing global water quality crisis

Wastewater treatment systems around the world are hamstrung by outdated tests that don’t identify a growing array of pathogens or identify the sources of pollutants.

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