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Articles on Cuba

Displaying 121 - 140 of 158 articles

Members of the Non-Aligned Movement meet at the session of the 17th summit of heads of state and government. DIRCO

Explainer: the Non-Aligned Movement in the 21st century

The Non-Aligned Movement member states enjoy cohesion on few issues. Historically, their heterogeneity ranged from absolute monarchs to socialist presidents.
José Martí’s teachings are found in all Cuban classrooms – and on Havana’s walls. Emmanuel Huybrechts/Flickr

Cuban schools’ focus on ‘good values’ holds global lessons

A great deal of thinking about Cuba’s education system originated from one man. So who was José Martí, and what can his ideas about values education teach other countries?
Organic farm, Alamar. Melanie Lukesh Reed/Flickr

Cuba’s sustainable agriculture at risk in U.S. thaw

Cuban farming is a model of agroecology – growing food without heavy use of fossil fuel or chemicals. But closer relations with the U.S. could push Cuba back toward large-scale industrial farming.
The US and Cuban flags with Havana’s National Capitol Building in the background. EPA/Michael Reynolds

Lessons from Cuba about reclaiming symbols of a painful past

Cuba’s National Capitol Building has been reclaimed as the seat of the National Assembly 54 years after it was abandoned by the new revolutionary government. There are lessons in this for others.
Cine Petro Atletica, once Huambo’s finest cinema, was destroyed during fierce fighting in Angola’s bloody civil war. Reuters/John Chiahemen MH/WS

A new narrative unfolds about South Africa’s protracted war in Angola

Apartheid South Africa started a war in which it could not maintain a strategic advantage. It misread the quest for national liberation and international opinion that undermined its effectiveness.
Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter with Fidel Castro in 2011. Picture taken March 30 2011. Cubadebate/Reuters

Jimmy Carter in Cuba

John Kerry will raise the flag over the American Embassy in Cuba on Friday. That moment is possible thanks to work Jimmy Carter began four decades ago.
Cuba’s pivot to the US is a signal to the region that its experiment with old-fashioned socialism will come to an end. EPA/Alejandro Ernesto

Latin America at a turning point with thaw in Cuba-US relations

The historic warming of US-Cuban relations offers new opportunity for American entrepreneurs and Cuba’s famously well-educated people – but it isn’t good news for Latin American socialists.

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