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Articles on Donald Trump

Displaying 3281 - 3300 of 3463 articles

Donald Trump embraces legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight at a campaign rally in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jim Young/Reuters

Trump’s dog whistle: the white, screwed-over sports icon

Politicians are often eager to embrace the support of sports stars. But when Donald Trump trots out a very specific type of athlete and coach at his events, who’s he really trying to appeal to?
What’s behind the carefully curated, cartoonish personas played out in political media? EPA/GE YUEJIN

Why politicians and fictional characters have a lot in common

Voters judge political parties as best we can. But the way political narratives are presented – with their heroes and villains, twists and triumphs – rewards archetypes rather than nuanced reality.
Will campaigns’ data use help determine the election? Pie chart via

2016: the proving ground for political data

The contrast between Trump’s no-data approach and Clinton’s analytics-heavy campaign offers an opportunity to evaluate the role, and usefulness, of data in political campaigns.
Should down-ballot Republicans love this face? REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

Did Donald Trump kill the Tea Party?

This primary cycle, few incumbents in the House and Senate are fighting off extremist challengers. Is that because the top of the ticket is taking up all the air?
Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Greensboro, North Carolina on June 15, 2016. Jonathan Drake/Reuters

In the wake of tragedy, Trump takes rhetoric of fear to a whole new level

Two experts in political rhetoric explain how one candidate has used rhetorical devices like framing and ‘argumentum in terrorem’ to stoke fear and attract voters since the Orlando nightclub shooting.
Does Trump University follow the for-profit model? Reuters/Rick Wilking

The truth about for-profit colleges and Trump University

For-profit colleges and universities have been in a lot of trouble. But the case of Trump University is different. To start with, it cannot even be called a for-profit university.
Many voters feel the major parties aren’t listening, which can be part of the appeal of populist candidates such as One Nation’s Pauline Hanson. Dan Peled/AAP

Vote 1 ‘Other’: what’s driving more voters to back a minor party this election

Watch Anne Tiernan and Duncan McDonnell discuss the popularity of minor parties and independents in this election – including what the Nick Xenophon Team learnt from the Palmer United Party.
Explaining ‘America First’ on June 7, 2016. Carlo Allegri/Reuters

Trump’s ‘America First’: echoes from 1940s

Seventy-five years after it was discredited by an FDR victory and U.S. entry into World War II, the GOP’s candidate revives a controversial slogan.
Donald Trump in the boardroom during an episode of ‘The Apprentice.’ Nick Lehr/The Conversation

Obsessed with reality TV? You may be a narcissist

Studies have shown that since the 1970s, people’s scores on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory are rising. Could there be a connection to television consumption?
Donald Trump’s boastful and bullying leadership style encapsulates many of the worst features and sentiments of today’s world. Darron Bergenheier/flick

Humility’s value for democracy in dark times

In a world out of balance, one in which arrogance and unaccountability combine in a corrosive synergy, humility can offer a powerful alternative vision of how to approach democratic government.
The cover of the ‘Weekly Standard’, February 2016.

There should be no monkeying about with hate speech

Two recent controversial cartoons depicting people as apes have raised an important question: what are the legal and philosophical distinctions between harm and offence?

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