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Articles on Economics

Displaying 581 - 600 of 667 articles

Wanted: a new kind of economics. Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

Building a new economics for the #Occupy generation

After the global financial crisis in 2008, economics was in disarray. Even the Queen was moved to chide economists for failing to warn about the build-up of debt in households and banks in the major economies…
Scotland has lit a fire under sterling. mudricky

Sterling may take a pounding whatever Scotland decides

While Edinburgh and London wrestle over the future of the pound, it has has been sinking. The slide (especially against the US dollar) is widely seen as a knee-jerk reaction to the possibility of Scotland…
High-emission brown coal power generators including Hazelwood are set to be among the short-term winners from the carbon tax repeal. AAP Image/David Crosling

Who gains most from axing the carbon tax – and at what cost?

When the carbon tax was introduced, there was a lot of discussion about winners and losers. The Labor government limited the number of businesses that had to pay the tax, while it also gave carbon tax…
Rock star economists have been around for a long time, just like Jon Bon Jovi. Umberto Rotundo/Flickr

Coming to an arena near you – economists, the new rock stars

Brian Cox, Mary Beard, Mick Aston, Niall Ferguson are all (just about) household names. They each have academic success – and their own television programs (“Wonders of the Solar System”, “Meet the Romans…
A new benchmark to measure the economic response to climate change. Mario Sánchez Prada

Bringing the long game into climate change economics

The UK government’s senior adviser on science has made an entirely sensible call for researchers and policy makers to move the climate change debate towards workable strategies and solutions. The trouble…
Less cash to spend on artisan olives? Dan Cunningham

How to stop the middle class getting poorer and poorer

Since the 1950s, with a few rare exceptions in the 1970s, the middle class – all over the world – has been getting worse off. Specifically, the middle class’ purchasing power, as with that of the working…
Oxford’s dons need to get ready for some new thinking. lukecanvin

After the financial crisis, we need a new way to teach PPE

When it comes to debating the rights and wrongs of public policies, economists have always held a privileged position. While citizens and less respected social scientists must strive to get their voices…

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