In his speech this week to the National Press Club, Turnbull initiated a genuine “game-changer” in the debate about power generation in this country. It is instructive to focus explicitly on what he said…
As Trump explores warmer ties to Russia, he’d be wise to brush up on the history of past resets and the role the oil industry played in each one. The results weren’t good.
Leaders are worried US leadership on global issues like climate change will be diminished under President Trump. Experts explain why China is ready to lead, and how that could be a good thing.
Understanding the connections between basic food demands and accessibility to water and energy is important when it comes to climate change and its impact on agriculture and livelihoods.
The Trump administration has the tools to slow the momentum Obama started on clean energy. Countering Trump are global market forces and state-level action.
Fusion power, if it works, offers vast amounts of clean energy and almost zero carbon emissions. A new experimental fusion reactor has come online, and it uses a curious twisted stellarator design.
Lightning strikes are powerful – but we haven’t had solid estimates of their energy until now. Researchers turned to the hollow stone tubes they create by vaporizing sand for more precise calculations.
Fusion development takes time. It cannot be developed in miniature and then be simply scaled up. But we must work now, to make it possible to meet humanity’s need for abundant, clean energy.
A closer look into the latest financial numbers of South Africa’s state power utility, Eskom, suggest that it may be in a more vulnerable position than appreciated.