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Articles on Gender

Displaying 881 - 900 of 1030 articles

Transgender is an umbrella term, encompassing a number of different identities and practices. 'Umbrella' via

What’s in a word? The challenges of ‘transgender’

Transgender is a relatively new word. So when an academic seeks to create a transgender historical archive, complications abound.
Critics have been preoccupied with the gender politics of Fury Road. Enter the Doof Warrior … © Warner Bros. Pictures and © Roadshow Films

The Doof Warrior rocks the gender divide in Mad Max: Fury Road

The Doof Warrior in Mad Max: Fury Road is a red-jumpsuited, masked guitarist, bungee-strapped to the front of the Doof Wagon, a massive, mobile speaker stack, replete with on-board drummers. What’s not to love?
Description: 2014 Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst poses for a photograph in Sydney, Thursday, April 30, 2015. The Austrian performer and pop artist is in Australia to perform at the Logie Awards. () NO ARCHIVING. AAP Image/Dan Himbrechts

A song to unite? The gender politics of Eurovision still divide

Eurovision is popularly heralded as the song that unites Europe, but recent controversies about gender, social justice and human rights paint a different picture.
The original Lenna test image from the University of Southern California Signal and Image Processing Institute. SIPI Image Database

The Playboy centrefold at the centre of computer science

Is it appropriate that a Playboy centrefold from 1972 is still being used as a standard test image in image processing circles?
How many little girls do you see dressing up as builders or car mechanics? Flickr/theirhistory

Getting in early to avoid gender stereotyping careers

By pre-school children are already thinking about the career they will have when they grow up, and ruling out jobs that do not fit with their gender. We need to get in early to get rid of stereotypes.
Three of the seven seats in the High Court of Australia will soon be filled by women judges. Lukas Coch/AAP

Two-for-one: a good new High Court judge, and a woman to boot

Now that women will make up 40% of High Court judges come June 2015, is gender now irrelevant? Hardly. Women have made up slightly less than 10% of all High Court judges in the court’s history.
Climate change is affecting gender ratios in fish, and could hamper their ability to return to a 50:50 balance.

Climate change can tip the gender balance, but fish can tip it back

Warmer temperatures can throw off the gender balance in some species. But some fish can adjust their offspring’s gender to compensate, but only if temperatures don’t rise too high.
The process by which women become fans is more complicated and interesting than people previously imagined. AAP Image/Joe Castro

Sexually transmitted fandom? Why women really follow AFL

Men might believe that women don’t have what it takes to be serious sports fans but new research into female AFL fans proves them wrong. Some women are footy converts, some have it in the blood – and some were born to it.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott confers with his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, during question time. AAP/Lukas Coch

Why Credlin is seen to have gone too far as PM’s right-hand woman

Peta Credlin is in the classic “double bind” of all women in power: if they take charge, they transgress the gendered expectations that “female qualities” are best suited to a supporting role.
With just eight MPs to back her campaign for government, Queensland ALP leader Annastacia Palaszczuk relied heavily on local community organising and decision-making. AAP/Dan Peled

‘New politics’ announces itself in Queensland and beyond

The “new politics” of 21st-century Australia is much clearer after the extraordinary result in the Queensland election on January 31. Australia’s new politics consists of three elements that they will…

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