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Articles on India

Displaying 941 - 960 of 1040 articles

Narendra Modi’s campaign tactic was to promise he could replicate Gujarat’s success across all of India. EPA/Money Sharma

Should India really follow Modi’s ‘Gujarat model’?

India’s new prime minister, Narendra Modi, won in a landslide off the back of a campaign that very much focused not only on his personality, but also on his success as Gujarat’s chief minister for more…
Narendra Modi’s mandate, crossing caste, region, gender and demography, will make him one of the most powerful prime ministers in Indian history. EPA/Harish Tyagi

Just who is Narendra Modi, India’s man of the moment?

India’s election, which was won convincingly by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), revolved around only one man: India’s next prime minister, Narendra Damodardas Modi. Modi represents a fascinating turning…
Kashmir is one of many foreign policy challenges facing India’s new government. EPA

Foreign policy will be a crucial challenge for the incoming Modi government

In the coming days, India’s new prime minister, Narendra Modi, will have to set out exactly how he plans to fix the economy and address many domestic issues. But politics doesn’t stop at the border. Modi’s…
Narendra Modi has sent out mixed messages on women’s rights. EPA/Money Sharma

How will women in India fare under a Modi BJP government?

Narendra Modi’s BJP has won a massive election victory in India – the first time any party has secured an outright majority since the Congress Party won in 1984 after the assassination of Indira Gandhi…
A Bharatiya Janata Party official said people who don’t vote for Narendra Modi have no place in India and should move to Pakistan, taking campaigning to a new low. EPA/Divyakant Solanki

The meanest election India has ever seen

With results due in next week, campaigning for India’s 16th Lok Sabha (lower house) election is in its final stages. Commentators are calling this the meanest election India has ever seen, with mudslinging…
Not all that he seems. Modi supporters in Vadodara, India. Divyakant Solanki/EPA

Modi’s reputation for governance miracles is built on shaky ground

It seems highly likely that Narendra Modi will be the next elected prime minister of India. One reason for that has been a well-orchestrated campaign to represent Modi as some kind of legislative miracle…
Is India’s Higher Education sector capable of serving its burgeoning youth population? shutterstock

Why India’s universities can’t keep up with the masses

How can the Indian government improve the quality of education at the majority of the country’s universities, colleges and institutes? This is more than a question for questioning’s sake: it’s of vital…
Narendra Modi won’t back away from border disputes with China if he wins the Indian election. Al Jazeera English/Flickr

Modi won’t be soft on China if he wins Indian election

Considering India’s aspirations to be a global power, foreign policy has played but a minor role in the current election campaign. The manifestos of the major parties also say little on the subject, so…
Born in India, unlike his weapon. EPA

Why is India still the world’s largest arms importer?

India has been the world’s largest arms importer every year since 2010, as its defence industry struggles to keep up with its international ambitions. The volume of major weapons imports more than doubled…
Citizens line up to cast their vote in New Delhi. AAP

Corruption and economic growth top issues in Indian election

Since Monday the Indian people have been voting in the largest elections the world has ever seen. So far things have gone smoothly as 815 million people are expected to turn out at polling stations all…
Getting mighty crowded: 800m is a lot of people to get to the polls. EPA/Jagadeesh NV

Social media scrutiny promises a cleaner election in India

The first set of Indian constituencies goes to the polls on April 7 in what has been described as “the biggest election ever seen”. The scale of organisation needed to co-ordinate this democratic exercise…
Many of India’s systems and institutions are corrupt. Will India’s disaffected youth be judging their candidates based on this? AAP

Corruption provides a focus for India’s sprawling electoral contest

In some ways, India is the world in microcosm: 1.2 billion people, more than twice the population of the European Union, and a federation of 28 states (same as the EU), plus seven union territories. The…
The future for women could be brighter. agnihot

Indian women are more educated, but less employed

Indian women are more educated than they have ever been. Yet, the latest figures show that fewer of them are working. Some have attributed the decline to increased enrolment in education of younger population…

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