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Articles on Microbes

Displaying 121 - 140 of 175 articles

Tamotsu Ito/

To restore our soils, feed the microbes

Healthy soil teems with bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms that help store carbon and fend off plant diseases. To restore soil, scientists are finding ways to foster its microbiome.
Drug-resistant strains of gonorrhoea, once easily dispatched with penicillin, are spreading across the globe resulting in chronic pain and sterility. (Shutterstock)

Canada could lead the fight for life in a post-antibiotic world

Without leading edge innovations and coordination, Canadians will die from the epidemic of antibiotic resistant infections.
Just as organisms that infect us make changes in us - we too make changes in them and they grow and adapt to their human hosts. from

How we change the organisms that infect us

Humans play host to many little passengers. Right now, you’re incubating, shedding or have already been colonised by viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal microorganisms - perhaps even all of them.
Modern diets are changing the compositions of our gut microbiota, and with that, our personalities. from

Essays on health: microbes aren’t the enemy, they’re a big part of who we are

For most of the twentieth century, we were at war with microbes, leading to substantial changes in our body’s ecosystem. This has changed our diets, disease profile, moods and even personalities.
Open wide … the mouths of crocodiles like this contain bacteria that cause potentially lethal infections in people they bite. from

If a croc bite doesn’t get you, infection will

Until recently we didn’t know much about which antibiotic is best for people who have been attacked by a crocodile.
According to the World Health Organisation, antimicrobial resistance is now at crisis point. from

Recent death from resistant bug won’t be the last

The US Centers for Disease Control has reported a woman in her 70s has died of overwhelming sepsis caused by a bacterium that was resistant to all available antibiotics.
In us, on us and all around us. Microbes image via

Microbes: Our tiny, crucial allies

Long viewed simply as ‘germs,’ the hidden half of nature turns out to be crucial to the health of people and plants.

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