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Articles on Mushrooms

Displaying 1 - 20 of 30 articles

Psychologist and professor Monnica Williams, on the left with a patient, is advocating for psychedelics in therapy to heal racial trauma. Right: Psilocybin mushrooms sit on a drying rack in the Uptown Fungus lab in Springfield, Ore. (Left: Monnica Williams | Right: AP/Craig Mitchelldyer)

The potential of psychedelics to heal our racial traumas

Clinical psychologist and professor Monnica Williams is on a mission to bring psychedelics to therapists’ offices to help people heal from their racial traumas. To do this, she’s jumping over some big hurdles.
Decomposers at work: Shelf fungi feeding on a rotting log. Craig Joiner/Loop Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Beyond flora and fauna: Why it’s time to include fungi in global conservation goals

Fungi underpin life on Earth, but are far less well catalogued and understood than animals and plants. Three scientists call for including fungi in conservation strategies and environmental laws.
Poisonous or edible? Ekaterina Morozova/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Why are some mushrooms poisonous?

Poison can be a deadly defense that helps a mushroom make sure its spores are spread to new places to grow into baby mushrooms.

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