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Articles on Netflix

Displaying 361 - 380 of 397 articles

Merely consuming digital content doesn’t do much for kids. But digital tools can introduce them to new ways of creating. Shutterstock

Why ‘binge watching’ is to blame for kids not learning

Teenagers spend more time consuming media than they do sleeping. Most of this consumption is passive - a habit that’s creeping into classrooms, too.
As regional television flounders, a new approach to deregulation is needed.

To save local voices we need a different kind of deregulation

The Save Our Voices campaign argues that existing media rules are “squeezing the life out of our regional TV networks”. But the real story is more complex. Reform is necessary, but so too is local content.
National Theatre of Wales

Why Homer belongs on Netflix

Classical epic can seem particularly alien in the instant gratification culture of Instagram and Twitter, yet there’s a surge of interest in them.
Treasurer Joe Hockey has announced a budget crackdown on tax avoidance by multinational companies. AAP/Lukas Coch

Hockey moves on diverted profits but gives no estimate of revenue

The budget will toughen anti-avoidance measures to crack down on the profit-shifting being undertaken by 30 multinational companies that have been identified by the Taxation Office.

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