Due to conflicts over music rights and the high cost of adapting the show to HD, the series had become overshadowed by its spiritual successor, ‘The Wire.’
The show charts the journey of a group of young men aged between 19 and 23 through a strict, 100-day training process, leading to their debut as a band called Dear Alice.
The argument that we need to protect sports gambling ads to look after the interests of giant media brands has little merit. Losing this revenue would hurt, but the industry would be able to adapt.
Peter Kastor, Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis
Over the past half-century, American media has usually proclaimed that Black men and white women can be great presidents. But they have to be one or the other: a Black man or a white woman.
In medieval Europe, vigilantism was rampant. Though there were rudimentary efforts to develop legal frameworks, the precepts could be bizarre, with justice sporadic and unevenly applied.
Many sports fans will suffer sleep deprivation as they stay up to watch the Olympics but there are ways to minimise it and bounce back after the closing ceremony.
While people now reflect on how or whether Nixon’s sweaty, haggard appearance during the debate cost him the election, the view in 1960 was that the debate was a draw.
Whether you like Ladies in Black or not will depend on if you like shopping, fashion, stories with female leads about female friendship, clever music and 60s costumes.
Nostalgia can provide emotional relief during times of stress, a fact which the entertainment industry takes full advantage of to profit off of the anxiety of Millenials and Gen Z.
Because public access TV was relatively unregulated, shows could talk about sexual health and air racier segments that would have otherwise been censored on broadcast networks.