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Articles on New York Times

Displaying 41 - 60 of 61 articles

Is public relations simply a more insidious form of fake news? Nick Lehr/The Conversation via

Putin’s flacks: Russia’s stealth public relations war

Russia has seized upon loopholes in lobbying laws, hiring PR firms to influence American public opinion and policy in ways that advance Russia’s strategic interests.
The New York Times continues to invest in its newsrooms and expand internationally (it has journalists filing stories from over 150 countries), while Fairfax continues to chop newsroom jobs. Elaine To/AAP

Time for a ‘digital’ reality check on Fairfax and The New York Times

While digital revenue streams may be delivering, there’s still a strong reliance on print for revenue and research shows readers engage more with print.

Heroes and American politics

The authors of a new book have data that show politicians and the media love talking about heroes, but ordinary people are much more reluctant. That difference could have political consequences.
Hat’s all folks. Gert Lavsen

Will crowdfunding save journalism?

The likes of Der Correspondent and Kickstarter raise the prospect of a new funding model for journalism. To some extent, we are kidding ourselves.
Ads that appear in broadsheet newspapers continue to have more appeal than their annoying, online counterparts. 'Laptop,' via

How native advertisements could be the solution to the internet’s bad-ad problem

Many readers can’t tell the difference between native ads and editorial content. So will a web publisher’s credibility take a hit if it ‘goes native’ with its ad strategy?
Andrew R Lack Professor David Carr. Boston University School of Communications

Remembering Professor David Carr

When New York Times’ columnist David Carr prepared to apply for a newly created professorship in Boston University’s College of Communication, he realized he’d need a curriculum vitae, the so-called CV…

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