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Articles on Poverty

Displaying 301 - 320 of 895 articles

Unemployed Liberian young men seeking daily jobs at the industrial district of Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia. EFE-EPA/Ahmed Jallanzo

How COVID-19 is likely to slow down a decade of youth development in Africa

Since 1999, extreme poverty has declined while rates of young people in education and employment have risen. Without investment though, the impact of the pandemic could see this progress imperilled,
Chronic absenteeism rates fell 8 percentage points among schools in Nevada and Colorado that adopted the ‘Breakfast after the Bell’ program. Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Breakfast After the Bell programs reduce school absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism is a pressing issue in high-poverty schools, but research suggests that serving students breakfast during class can help keep kids in school.
A woman is pictured at the window of her west Toronto apartment in March 2020 as her landlord issued eviction notices at the start of the pandemic. Secure and affordable housing is a big concern of those collecting social assistance, whether it was CERB or provincial programs. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

CERB was luxurious compared to provincial social assistance

CERB was a lifeline but no paradise, highlighting the struggles of social assistance recipients to get by on much less.
A group of young men wait on a road for work in South Africa. A staggering 74% of the country’s youth are jobless. Photo by Frederic Lewis/Getty Images

South Africa’s efforts to tackle joblessness can be more effective: here’s how

Relying solely on job placement as an indicator of successful intervention misses out on outcomes that are equally important, or more so, amid high structural unemployment.
Antonio Dasiparu/EPA

Double trouble: floods and COVID-19 have merged to pose great danger for Timor-Leste

In flood-ravaged Dili, COVID-19 restrictions were abandoned as the disaster unfolded. But it means an already escalating pandemic situation may spiral out of control.

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