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Articles on Apple

Displaying 301 - 320 of 411 articles

Treasurer Joe Hockey has picked up the pace on tax information sharing, in response to a push by the OECD. Dave Hunt/AAP

What’s needed for Australia to seriously tackle tax avoidance

Despite Treasurer Joe Hockey’s continued statements that the government is doing “everything we can … to ensure that companies that earn profits in Australia pay tax in Australia”, the federal government…
Upgrade rage - what to do when things go wrong? Flickr/Nicola Albertini

Windows 9, iOS8 – the balance between bugs and upgrades

In the tech world there is a dynamic tension between needing to get products to market before the competition and the need to take enough time to make those products completely defect-free and user friendly…
Apple computers could be at risk from the latest Bash bug. Flickr/Oliver

Shell shocked – but what should you do about the Bash bug?

A serious security flaw has been discovered in a ubiquitous utility program present on a wide variety of important computer systems, including many Unix-based servers and Macintosh desktop computers. “Shell…
Corporations need our help. Crispin Semmens

How to pull the plug on irresponsible capitalism

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has proposed a plan to stop companies from avoiding billions of dollars in taxes. As we know from the scandals surrounding Amazon, Starbucks, Vodafone…
Android and Apple looking to expand into new markets in India and China. Flickr/Aidan

Apple and Google make changes in the battle for new markets

Has Google finally decided to take total control of its Android destiny with the release of its Android One operating system? Aimed at “emerging markets”, such as India, Google will operate the smartphone…
Blow a few grand on a gold watch, and you can help sustain tech firm profits. Apple

Technology firms need new strategies as the purpose of devices changes

The profits generated by some technology firms are awe-inspiring, serving as beacons for those at less fortunate enterprises. Devices have accounted for a large part of that success, particularly smartphones…
Google books much of its Australian profit to offshore operations. Tawel/Flickr

Information is power: OECD tax plan puts Apple and Google on notice

Public outcries over tax avoidance by multinational enterprises like Apple and Google have pushed politicians to act. The unprecedented international political will to combat base erosion profit shifting…
Apple Pay could help make contactless payments mainstream. Monica Davey/EPA/AAP

With Apple Pay, Apple just took payment security to the banks

Today’s launch of the Apple Pay mobile payments service has the potential to eliminate the need for us to carry payment cards in our purses or wallets - but as always converting potential to reality is…
You could soon say goodbye to credit cards and cash – no need to burn them, though. ~lauren/Flickr

Apple Pay heralds a new, safe era of cashless convenience

Mobile payment systems have been around for years without gaining much traction, but this might be about to change with the release of the iPhone 6’s Apple Pay. This latest iPhone uses near field communication…

Goodbye iPod Classic

So, iPod Classic, you have been dumped. Since the most recent Apple event announcing new products you have been anything but on the shelf, and have instead completely disappeared from the Apple Store…
First in line Jason Ray (left) and Moon Ray (right) line up outside the Apple Store in New York, ready for the launch of Apple’s iPhone 6. EPA/John Taggart

All kneel at the temple of Apple’s latest technology

Just as with all the earlier versions of the iPhone, rumours abound about what Apple will announce this week in relation to iPhone 6 – new screens, different sizes, powerful chips, faster processing and…
Facebook’s Messenger sparked the latest outrage over privacy - but should people be concerned? Flickr/Karlis Dambrans

How much do we really know about privacy on Facebook?

The recent furore about the Facebook Messenger app has unearthed an interesting question: how far are we willing to allow our privacy to be pushed for our social connections? In the case of the Facebook…
Rupert Murdoch’s bid for Time Warner has been rebuffed for now. AAP/Jason Reed

Time Warner would bolster News Corp – but internet giants lurk

While Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation US$80 billion takeover bid for fellow US media giant Time Warner has been rejected - for now - there is no doubt the future ownership of this historic company is…

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