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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 4681 - 4700 of 6970 articles

Many farmers are now facing a future in which it is much harder to make a living off the land. AAP Image/Dan Peled

Farmers’ climate denial begins to wane as reality bites

A decade ago, only a third of farmers accepted the science of climate change. But surveys show attitudes have shifted in recent years as the farming community begins to confront what the future holds.
Protecting coastal wetlands, like this slough in Florida’s Everglades National Park, is a cost-effective way to reduce flooding and storm damage. NPS/C. Rivas

Protecting wetlands helps communities reduce damage from hurricanes and storms

Coastal development is destroying marshes, mangroves and other wetlands that provide valuable protection from hurricanes and storms. Research shows these benefits can be worth millions of dollars.
Without rapid and dramatic changes, the world will face a higher risk of extreme weather and other effects of climate change. AP Photo/Mike Groll

Why we can’t reverse climate change with ‘negative emissions’ technologies

The UN’s panel on climate change said that technologies to remove CO2 will be necessary to limit global temperature rise to only 1.5 degrees Celsius. But these techniques are largely unproven.
Limiting global warming 1.5°C will be profoundly challenging given current policies. Chart data: Climate Action Tracker / Image: AAP

The UN’s 1.5°C special climate report at a glance

Here are the essential facts from the UN’s special report on climate change.

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