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Articles on Europe

Displaying 1001 - 1020 of 1288 articles

Here goes nothing. Reuters/Gustau Nacarino

Catalan election: a leap into the unknown

Catalonia’s pro-independence parties now have the chance to assemble a parliamentary majority, but they’ll have to overcome their own differences first.
Moroccan woman Samira Yerou is arrested at Barcelona airport in March on suspicion of attempting to join IS militants in Syria. REUTERS/Spanish Interior Ministry/Handout via Reuters

How narratives around violent women warp our view of female jihadis

Western media tropes of black widows, deviant sexuality and unthinking compliance fail to explain why violence crosses the gender divide.
Reuters/Stoyan Nenov

The end of Western Europe?

The current influx of asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants into Western Europe presents a profound challenge to the European Union’s values, solidarity and capacity to simply manage and accommodate…
Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-austerity, progressive platform has found a large and receptive audience among the UK Labour Party faithful. Reuters/Russell Cheyne

With or without EU: Jeremy Corbyn and the re-emergence of left-wing Euroscepticism

A Jeremy Corbyn victory would consolidate Euroscepticism across the British political spectrum, throwing the outcome of the forthcoming referendum into even further doubt.

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